Midwesterner in TO: Recent Trip part 1


New member
Feb 17, 2002
I have given 3 reviews in the review section but want to post some other info about my trip and give some background on me for the hell of it.

Ive been following terb for about 6 months and because of the info I have found here decided to take a trip up to Toronto for some fun. I know there are comments made that alot of people lurk and the board can be slow at times so I finally want to make a solid contribution. If not overly educational I hope my writings here can be entertaining for the masses.

About 3 years ago I was in Toronto on business and decided to give my first call to an escort agency (one of the popular ones that's still around today, though I think management changed, and time has passed so its not fair to name it). At that time I did not have terb as a resource. That first visit I had was far from wonderful. An attractive brunette came to my room, asked to see my johnson, approved of me, went to the bathroom, came out without any clothes on, I was aroused and at the same time freaked out. I came in minutes, she was packing up, I looked confused and desperate, she gave me a followup hand job and went. This didn't leave me with the best impression of the escort
scene, call me nuts but I always envisioned seeing a pro/escort to be somewhat more persoanable and seductive than just getting me off.

With terb as a resource I was much more confident Id have a good time, the service from what I understand is much better in Canada than USA, plus you can't go wrong with the exchange rate.

I chose to email the SPs I was interested in to set up my rendezvous. Out of 3 Agencies only one responded, Allison's Angels. Out of 5 Independents only 2 responded promptly (Colette, Jenn Angel), 1 was slow to respond and had limited availabilty even planning weeks ahead, and 2 others I never heard from, and these weren't no name girls. I dont know how SPs book business, probably by phone mostly, but if you have email Id expect you'd want to use it.

Customs at YYZ:

Yes I knew I needed a Visa or birth certificate but don't travel out of the USA much so no Visa and I couldn't find my birth certificate so was expecting some complications. I was going on a drivers license and my good charms. Getting into YYZ and heading through customes the first guy begins to question me about my travels and proof of citizenship. I tell him the good news that I dont have what he wants but have a Sam's Club membership, School ID, Gym ID, etc. yeah, yeah. He seems convinced and stamps me on my way. I get to the gate keeper, he looks at my stamp and sends me to another guy for further interrogation. He studies what I have, I offer him my business card, tell him I'm
here to tour Canada in a weekend, "Canada?" he questions, I clarify Toronto only. He really is studying everything very intently but seems to focus on if Im here for work or pleasure. Im staying with the truth here and tell him pleasure. He then concludes by telling me that at the next customs agent if they discover that Im here on business (Im in computers) Ill be immediately deported. I dont know if he was trying to get me to fess up or what but i just kept my mouth shut and moved on, but there wasnt another costumes agent, just baggage, I guess he was screwing with me but wasnt gonna go ask for clarification.

Money Exchange:

I found the money exchange in the Airport convenient enough, 1.44 was the exchange rate. I wonder if I would have found a better rate going to a bank? I exchanged $1000 US and the girl needed ID, anybody know why?


I was staying at a hotel downtown. Supposedly there was a shuttle to the hotel. Went to where the shuttle was and found it to be not a complemantary shuttle but a pay as you go bus trip. I ask the guy if this bus goes to my hotel, he's never heard of my hotel, reassuring.

Frankly the hotel staff I talked to wasn't overly helpful on the transportaion options when I questioned them. I reasses my options, decide cab time, this Indian guy walks buy soliciting riders, sure what the hell I'm game. Need a ride in a nice Towne Car call Rodney at ALC 416 410 4993 ($44 cn).


Really nice looking city. Visited the CN Tower and took that in, don't have many of those out here in the Midwest, nearest thing would be the Sears Tower Chicago. Loved the Eaton Center spent some good time there shopping. Loved the juice bar in the food court, Im big on juicing carrots celery etc. The people are very metropolitan, reminds me much more of LA or Atlanta Miami than the Midwest.


New member
Feb 17, 2002
Part 2

I was Staying at the Comfort Suites City Centre to the east of Eaton Center, I had a Suite booked. Hotel was nice enough, room was really great. Yahoo travel indicated it was a good value. Major problem I had with this hotel was the restaurant and the related staff. Details to come. Also the location of the hotel from what I discovered is not in the best area and was warned not to venture out after dark. Did notice the Filmore Hotel (stip club I think) is right behind this hotel if that gives you any clue on location. There seems to be an excess amount of homeless people or mentally ill personalities in this general area, perhaps there's some half-way houses mental health facilities in this area.

When I arrived at the hotel mid afternoon I hit the hotel restauant for a snack. There was one middle aged greek guy running the entire restaurant with like a dozen tables busy. Poor guy was running all over the place. Some gay guys (flamers) who were waiting as long as I was for service started yelling at the guy that they werent getting served because they were gay. He started yelling, eventually they leave cause he's not gonna serve them at this point. I chat with the guy ask him for directions on my map to this and that.

On my way to Eaton Center I start looking for a corner liquor store or convenience store that carries alchol. Every major city in the US has adult beverages readily available, thought it was strange I didnt come across any.

Get back later than I planned, its closing in on Colette time. I call the restaurant and order up a bottle of wine. I shower up get
dressed, room service has not arrived. Colette calls, she's down in the bar having a drink. I call down about the wine, their coming right up, I say wait just hold it at the bar Ill come and pick it up. No problem Im thinking this will be even better. The bar is empty other than Colette, I introduce myself, I look for the bartender, what do you know its the greek guy, I explain I'm here for my bottle I ordered.

He explains that he can't give it to me because he could lose his liquor license, he has to come up with me and poor the wine. I'm stumped and bewildered on that one, I thought he was kidding. Nope he has to come up. I know I should have told him to stick it but me playing host didnt want Colette to go with out. Imagine Colette and I and the greek guy in the elevator with Colette and I playing off of one another like were old friends yet she was asking where Im from, and then he strikes in "O where are you from?" to Colette. Cat was obviously out of the bag, so much for my hopes of keeping a low profile. After he pops the cork and makes sure I approve of the vintage he finally gets the hell out and at that point I was a bundle of nerves. Colette stated that was the first time thats ever happend in her experiences but knew the liquor laws can be stringent in Canada. She did a wonderful job calming me down and I had a wonderful time that evening with Colette.

To bitch more about the hotel let me add this. The next day I found your liquor store the LBCO I think near Eaton Center and was glad to pick up a few bottles of wine. The Liquor store was fresh out of wine bottle openers. No worry Ill just get one from the luxury hotel Im staying at, right? I get back to the hotel with plenty of time for my upcoming affairs and call roomservice and order up some wine glasses and a bottle opener please, the restaurant manager answers and explains that he's lost to many wine glasses and bottle openers to too many klepto-guests in the past and cant send me anything. Im shocked, "your kidding right?" "No" he says "Restaurant Policy". I explain that the
day before they were very willing to send up some glasses for me, he expalins "Well they shouldnt have!". I spent over $500 cn at that place and they couldnt spare a fucking opener. I've emailed their corporate office now with my story and am planning to leave a terrible review of their service on Yahoo Travel. Anastasia and I drank water. I had Jenn Angel pick up an opener.

I think next time I'm going to have to just go to a real hotel if I want to get some decent room service.

What I didnt get too:

I was hoping to hit the Brass Rail or Zanzibar or even the Filmore Hotel but man time just flew by no time for the Strip Club scene.

Customs on the way out:

Amazingly heading home things went rather smothly, not alot of fuss about my drivers license. Lady did ask what month I was born in I think to catch me in a twist, in the USA dates are mmddyy and internationally I think its ddmmyy, no problems. Just got a warning about future travel need to have proof but dont be late for your plane.


New member
Feb 17, 2002
part 3


I had a great time thanks to terb. Maybe we should have some kind of reception or get together when the Americans come in sometime, sure would like to attend a terb party. Believe it or not what my fun in TO has sparked in me is to get back on the horse and date again. Ive been between relationships for a while now and find this a great motivator and refresher to get reacquainted with the female population.

Any comments or tips for future visits are appreciated.

I hope your economy continues to rebound, I did my part.

Thanks all.


New member
Jan 28, 2002
Buffalo, NY

What a great story! Isn't it a pity that this is about the only place you can tell it?!
I've had similar kinds of experiences in different contexts. My only advice is that, unless you are truly rich, avoid the high-class hotels if you are into adventuring. The folks here can probably point out some good choices.
I was especially interested in your border crossing experience. I've been contemplating heading north for fun and games for a few months, now. One of the things I've been worried about is what to say to the customs guys. I mean, I don't want to lie, but I don't think telling the truth--I want to get laid--is a good idea, either.<g>
Anyone have a suggestion?



New member
Feb 17, 2002
I told um

I was just interested at seeing TO. They didnt seem to believe that one but I kept my mouth shut.

Connie Lingus

New member
Feb 3, 2002
TFG5, excellent post. no, I didn't think you were too long. Appreciate the info about the hotel, I was thinking about this place for an upcoming trip but no more. I'll save up my shekels and stay at the usuals: Holiday Inn, Courtyard, Crown Plaza and Marriott. Never had a hassle there.

Groucho, just say you're going to have fun in the city. Lots of Americans visit here every year. You won't stand out, don't worry.
Interesting reading

One thing my American friend - exchange rates. You got screwed big time at the airport! Current rate is 1.5318.

I suggest you just use your Visa, American Express or Mastercard and draw down cash at the bank or at an ATM. Usaully the credit card companies give a better rate of exchange than the banks.

Sorry the folks at the airport had to abuse you in this area!

Hope you cum back again real soon.

Whoops - I just reread your post and see that this time period in question was about three years ago when the CAD was higher against the US. Still say that the airport is a rip-off for exchange.
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Good report TFG5

Suggest before next trip you get a passport, not very expensive and makes it a lot easier....that reminds me I better get mine out so I don't forget it for my 6/27 trip to TO.

Yes, the money changers at the airport are a bad deal. I keep some Canadian nicely colored money from last trip and either get money changed at a bank or ATM machine as someone else suggested. You get very close the official exchange rate when it shows up on your credit card. $Cdn100 =$65.xx these days, up from about $63.50 from my Nov 01 trip but not that much less of a "discount".

I avoid downtown areas and always rent a car which is maybe $US30.day like from National. I am paying $US40/night at the Radisson Mississauga. Staying a week.

If you enjoy more than escorts, I would stay out of the city of Toronto. They have much more restrictive bylaws (licensing not criminal) than Mississauga with its nude-reverse massage even writtin into the massage bylaw and the great nude lap dance clubs I enjoy doing breast massages with gals that enjoy etc.

See my reports from prior trips at http://www.sexworktoronto.com for lots of options other than downtown. But for just escorts downtown is best since many of the agencies charge a premium to go to airport area or West of it. That is why I have skipped Allisons' that last trip or two since they charge $40 extra even if the gals are already in the airport area.

So downtown is best for escorts but go west..or SW for better nude-reverse-release massage options with beautiful women or the great nude laps in strip clubs without the restrictions as in City of Toronto.

Connie Lingus

New member
Feb 3, 2002
Challenger, good point about exchange rate. Forgot to mention that. Just one problem, at least for me.

Most CCs I have charge a much higher interest rate from day 1 on cash advances plus a steep fee. That's fine if you pay it off each month but if you carry a balance, it could negate any savings on the exchange rate.

Another route you can take is to use an ATM. Most cards are accepted at the ATM and I've gotten as good an exchange rate as the CCs I used to charge the room.

If you have cash, you can also walk into most banks during the day and go to a teller for exchange. They only skin you for a couple percent + C$2-3 fee if you're not a customer. Some banks have limits to how much you can exchange but you can always go to a couple banks at a time. Bank of Montreal had a US$300/day limit last time I was there. This is great if you don't want the SO to see these huge charges or withdrawls while "in country".


Jan 27, 2002
In Rome with the Pope
Re: Interesting reading

The Challenger said:
Whoops - I just reread your post and see that this time period in question was about three years ago when the CAD was higher against the US. Still say that the airport is a rip-off for exchange.
Not this visit it wasn't... It was reacently...

I want to see the look on people at the airports faces when someone actually says they are here to get laid! LMAO. Maybe I will the next time I fly into the states... I am so bad!

TGF5... If you ever make it back up this way I am taking you to the SC's!!! ;)


New member
Jan 28, 2002
Buffalo, NY

>>Groucho, just say you're going to have fun in the city. Lots of Americans visit here every year. You won't stand out, don't worry.<<

Thanks. I'm a worrywort, though, and I don't think well off the cuff. I read that, at Customs, they're pulling as many as 1 in 3 cars over to ask questions. I worry that they'll ask me a simple question like--what are your plans--and I'll get all tongue-tied and they'll get suspicious and turn me back.

Toronto Escorts