i am surprise my self too , the last asian i have fund was gloria

she was very popular in O-Town.
Yeah, I remember...I was outta town and missed her, then she wasn't with you anymore... :-(
And thanks for your review confirming shes legit, hope all B&S you read about michelle pics on CL, are now more clear in the eyes of all.
No problem. I like the fact that some individuals are helping to drive out the scams (like 95% of the asian ads on CL) and actually find it funny how relentless they're being...BUT...I am getting sick and tired of the stupid racial remarks that one guy is making. Eventhough directed at a scumbag B&S person, it's still very immature and childish to make the racial slurs at all. Now it also appears the guy is just targetting any asian type of ad without doing any homework to see if it is legit and just ASSUMING they're all B&S...not cool!
Anyway, I suggest you also put the URL to your OGFE site in the CL ad to prove that she's legit and "on tour" to Ottawa to help clear up any misinformation.