Micha Got My Attention


Well-known member
Apr 6, 2012
I did just try to give her a go. I asked if her pix were real as I would have no problem turning around if not and she said yes.

There was something in the text exchange that put me on guard, but I decided to go anyway. No MSOG, so I opted for the hh instead of the hour.

I fought bad traffic out to Kanata and back to Ottawa.

Anyway, I texted her that i would arrive in 2 minutes. Then texted again that I was there. Waited a few minutes and nothing. So, given my being on guard, I texted that I was leaving and immediately I get a question mark texted to me. Then a text stating that she was waiting for my text that I arrived.

Hmmm...so I actually went back and texted again indicating where I was parked to which I received a what are you doing there, come up to the second floor.

At that point, I really gave up and texted that she never did tell me a room number and I was gone.

So, I'm not saying anything bad about this SP, just relating my experience.

I'm sure I was a bit annoyed due to the traffic and slow response from my text (plus a hotel employee was hanging around while I was waiting) and so also likely impatient.


Mar 31, 2016
I would invite our "photo wizards" to do their thing with these pics. I'd love to know who this really is...


Oct 6, 2013
Google Images and Tineye both came up empty. The area code for the phone number is for Manitoba.

I am with Withpassion. I would have bailed too after not getting the room number and asked to go up to the second floor. I might TOFTT if I make it to Ottawa this week.


Apr 6, 2016
Photo wizard here. I looked at a few of the pics. The one in the green bathsuit linked me to an instagram account named "international_angel" (quinn is her name I think). You could also google the name and you will find that girl. As always it is unlikely that she is in Ottawa and of course I'm not surprised that she is located in the west end...


Well-known member
Apr 6, 2012
Funny, I did that pic (and the others) on both Tineye and Google and nothing. That's interesting. Thanks Prime19!

And daveb1, I do hope someone does (successfully) go to see her.

Update: I just did a Tineye on the green bathing suit and still nothing??? You're good!

I did notice that the wrist tatoo is a triangle (not an angle joke) in the black bra white sheer top pic and in the others are an oval, but I thought it may have been a redo for the existing tatoo, which does happen.
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New member
Jun 12, 2016
WithPassion you could be a forensic 'accuntant' lol
I had the same thoughts about the wrist tat


Well-known member
Jan 25, 2016
You can tell by the quality of the pics. Fake. Good luck if you venture out to see her though.


Oct 6, 2013
I tried doing a search on that green bathing suit again. I got a bunch of hits for Chinese sites this time. I was sure I tried all of them and nothing came up.

CK post for this girl. I'm out. No TOFTT ing for me on this one.
Jul 28, 2006
I was out enjoying the wonderful weather since early this morning so I did not get to this one till later this afternoon, sorry guys!! :) Good work Prime19!!

Withpassion, the come to the second floor scenario sounds like the bullshit that Rubis and her manager/partner used to pull at the Capital Hill. I've also noticed other Montreal based providers visiting using the same tactic of having you come to the floor first before giving the room number. A terrible method because they are often using shitty text apps that have significant delays in responding so you are left standing in the hallway waiting for a room number, it's hardly discreet and makes you standout like a sore thumb to other guests and hotel employees. It's also just not safe to enter into a situation "blind" like that.

Just jumping in to reply to Haberbosch25's comment about Ottawa sp's looking as good as Quinn, and other fake photos. There are a number of great looking providers in Ottawa, model quality , good providers and of similar look to a girl like Quinn ( who is actually Canadian as a matter of fact!)

I know because I see two of them on a regular basis , I guess they fall more into the semi-pro category that's being discussed in another thread. One of them is a former regular posting on backpage SP. I was her first client and continue to be one of only a handful of clients she sees on a regular basis. She has not advertised for two years now. Both I would say could easily be models with loads of instagram followers, with their natural good looks and "perfect" bodies.

You are correct though the ads have huge red flags in them when it comes to the grammer, short stay and sometimes below average rates.


May 26, 2015
I did notice that the wrist tatoo is a triangle (not an angle joke) in the black bra white sheer top pic and in the others are an oval, but I thought it may have been a redo for the existing tatoo, which does happen.
One of the quirks of the front camera selfie vs rear camera in a mirror is the reversing of the subject. If you look closely at the bathroom shot you can see that she has both tattoos, one on each arm.

Not that it really matters, since it has been determined that she is using fake pictures..
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