MIA's -or Where Have All The Flowers Gone?i

Dr. Faust

New member
Jan 6, 2002
My first post to this fascinating board! Anyway, I wondered if there was an "MIA Board" re: those ladies we have "Loved & Lost"? If not, there Damn well should be!

Case in point: there was a very nice blonde girl named Heidi working in Toronto about a year ago(Jan/Feb/Mar) - quite athletic, smart, great personality, GREAT sense of humour, enjoyed her job (or certainly seemed to!). I think she worked for Unforgettable/Hearts Afire etc.

She also worked in the Restaurant/Catering business? I recall saying "My God, you can cook too!!" after one of her (most enjoyable) visits; anyway she disappeared.....

Now I realize that some ladies change names/services faster than they change their underwear(!), but I'd hate to think that something unpleasant happened to her. As they used to say on NYPD Blue "Let's be careful out there, people!"

Any input re: Heidi greatly appreciated; and I think it would be MOST INTERESTING to attend a Soiree at The Brass Rail!! :)

Dr. Faust

New member
Jan 6, 2002

You're right it WAS "Hill Street Blues" Dammit - at least I got the programme category correct.

Re: L's query as to whether this is a legit post or am I a "PI" - I did preamble my "First Post" with words to the effect that it was indeed my first post. Anyway, let me assure you all that I am not a "Private Dick" - except in the confines of my home! Believe me, there are a number of ladies who could vouch for my legitimacy & hospitality!

I was merely enquiring on a "Happy Memories" basis - I believe that you refer to it as a "True GFE" - there was another little "Brazilian Blonde" girl (5'2" or so) named Tiffany who morphed into Amber ...and then ...gone like the snows of yesteryear.

Considering the rather intimate & pleasurable experiences I enjoyed with these two ladies, I merely hope that they're OK - maybe they won the Lotto, or went back to school, or married their (hopefully very understanding) boyfriends, or hit thirty & went to Florida & lived happily ever after etc...

If they're still around I'd LOVE to see them again - both at once would probably kill me but I'd be found with a smile on my face! Ergo my request for information....

One other thing - and hopefully this will allay L's concerns - quite some time ago when I had more physical & emotional stamina, I lived with a lady in "The Life". She literally "Worked her way through College" - extremely careful scheduling was KEY. She eventually married someone else - that gave me a severe case of "Whiplash of the Heart". She eventually graduated with a Master's in Sociology!!

So hopefully Heidi & Tiffany/Amber were not kidnapped by Aliens, I'd just like to offer them my hospitality again, OK?


New member
Nov 1, 2001
Johnny, Johnny...why the need to be so nasty !!
I do not see anything that would require u to use foul language to respond to Mr. Faust...his questions and concerns seemed legitimate enuff to me...chill out dude !!



i would agree! no need for that,and you not even a month old.

maybe it would be fun to see someone after a long break who knows. I'm sure it would be my choice for anything realtime anyway. imagine a thread with several legit inquiries,it could be fun/interesting. i think its a shame to be too paranoid,but carefull is important. there are certain things about my intimate experiences that only my partners would be able to answer,and you folks don't have private stats unless i give them. so i'm not concerned by a set up.i think its a nifty idea.

Hey!!! has anyone heard from Sarah my best girl for 99 then poof, gone after a trip to Mexico. tell her i want my red dress back!! :p

Dr. Faust

New member
Jan 6, 2002
OK - "They come (hopefully you come); and they go" and that's the way it is. Sara, thanks for your positive comment. Johnny 56, how can I be a "lurking piece of s**t if I'm making & responding to posts?? Get your facts straight and mend your Online Manners!
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