Toronto Escorts

Mia Rose - 9565 Kingston


New member
Sep 7, 2015
Just wanted to say that I went and visited Mia in Kingston recently and have to say that I was pretty disappointed, which is a shame because her ad seemed pretty good!

-Pics and ad are accurate
-She seems pretty easy going and definitely has the assets for facesitting if that's your thing
-BJ game is strong
-Appointment setup was fast and easy

-Room was messy; clothes everywhere, junk food all over the bed. Not the most egregious thing in the world, but I like some level of neatness.
-Her hygiene left a lot to be desired. She had a lot of perfume on to mask it, but as soon as we got to the bed, it was almost overwhelming. I tried to ignore, but I ended up bailing out before I got anywhere.
-As I was leaving, I noticed a crack pipe on the desk mixed in with all the crap she shuffled off the bed...she claimed it was her friend's...not sure I believe her, but that's what she said.

Overall, I wouldn't repeat. Messiness is one thing, but when personal hygiene is lacking and possible extra-curricular activities is a huge turn-off for me.

Edit: Sorry wrong place - please move
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Frank Gravey

Active member
May 29, 2010
Thanks for this. I'm thinking that any Mia fans out there may be down your throat for having only posted 3 times since 2015 and questioning how legit this is. I go with the "quality counts" concept. and I haven't seen much on her elsewhere on TERB. Then again, I've never looked - never seen her and didn't plan to. Not entirely as a result of your review - I've just never been that fussed with her pix. Wise man on the bailing piece. Saves a trip to the Health Unit clinic. No telling how many complimentary extras she may have on the menu.
Ashley Madison
Toronto Escorts