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Melissa - Addictive


Oct 11, 2004
This weather sure puts me in good moods and when I'm in a good mood "carp diem" always comes to mind. Treating myself always includes good food and lovely women my 2 favorite things in life. After checking CL I saw Addictive had 2 new SPs in town. Called them up and was surprised to hear a man on the line. I'm so used to that other chick whose kind of cold and edgy. This new guy is polite, friendly and easy going. Asked him about Melissa and Fanny. Melissa was described as mullato, 5'7", C cups and very pretty. Told him I'd see her but if I was not happy with what I saw I'd be leaving and making a bee line straight for Alicia. He agreed without hesitation. I arrived and was greeted by her in a nice bikini and was surprised to see Fanny there with her. Melissa had a smoking hot body in that bikini so leaving was out of the question. I had a chance to chat a bit with Fanny before she left. Both girls are very sweet with Fanny having the prettier face but not so tall. Melissa has a gorgeous shapely ass I couldn't stop grabbing and squeezing. She must of thought this was the first time I touched a woman. She's a safe GFE which might not be for everyone. If you're looking for a full menu stick with Alicia. Her tit's are also smaller than advertised and her skin has blemishes but this did not bother me. She's more a small B than a C. Anyways I had fun and would recommend this SP but probably won't repeat. I'd really like to see Fanny but she told me they were leaving in a few days.


Jiffy Pop

Active member
May 6, 2003
Tcentik was wondering about Fanny looks wise how would she compare to Alicia and do you happen to know if she is also a french girl.


Oct 11, 2004
Fanny has a very pretty face, looks almost east European. She may be Quebecoise but wouldn't be surprised if she was Hungarian or Romanian. Hard to distinguish between the 2 accents especially when she speaks fluent french. About 5'4" 115 lbs around 20 yrs, I would guess, smaller breasts than Alicia. You're definitely not going to be disappointed by her looks. She looks, young, fresh, cute and seems to have a sweet personality. Only disappointment might be that she's a little short and doesn't have the long shapely legs Melissa has. I'm also not sure if she's totally GFE like Alicia. If she's around on the weekend I'm going to try and see her.

Jiffy Pop

Active member
May 6, 2003
Thanks for the info on Fanny. I have seen Alicia around 5 times now and for me that is quite a bit because I like to switch up I find her really good in all areas and she is GFE. Anyways she is popular enough as is so enough about her.


Oct 11, 2004
Jiffy Pop I like to switch things up as well. I've seen Alicia so much it's not as exciting as before. Seeing the same SP negates one of the best things about this hobby which is variety. With Alicia being the Gold Standard who have you seen that rates close to her in terms of looks and service?

Jiffy Pop

Active member
May 6, 2003
I do not hobby much these days and the few I have seen this year not one is close to Alicia. If I do find one will post a review.
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