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New member
Jan 1, 2011
I decided to TOFTT this evening, and check out Megan. She was a tiny thing, could not have been more than 100lbs. Her photos are accurate and are her (the tattoo is there).

She was quick to respond to my text, and we negotiated a price for an hour (as she didn't have one advertised). She gave me the address to one hotel on Weber... but once I got there, she told me she was at a different hotel down the street due to something random. This should have been my first warning, but little jimmy got the best of me, and I went to this new location.

I get to place, and at this point I know we won't have an hour because when we were making plans she said she had another appointment. However, once I got there, she said she has a headache, and that's why we can't be too long. With my suspicions of two conflicting stories in my head, I proceeded to negotiate a new price for half the time, and she asked me to take a quick shower.

After the shower, she stripped down and I started exploring her tiny frame. Nice perky breasts... I went in for a kiss but she turned away (which is understandable, but unfortunate as I'd ideally prefer kissing). Down on her knees she went for what started to be an excellent BBBJ... but then *bang bang bang* on the door, and it freaks me right now. I throw my towel on, and she sends whoever was there away.

We continue on the bed, and she did deepthroat very very well. I went in for some digits at the same time, and was enjoyable. I tend to go pretty quickly, so after a few minutes, I was done. Since I'm aware of that, I'm always game for more, and had originally asked and agreed for MSOG. However, this was not the case, as she passed me my towel and started getting dressed. I didn't bother trying to convince her otherwise, so got dressed myself.

Overall, because of the ups and downs and pros and cons, I don't think I'd repeat personally, and I'd stick with girls who I know and/or are well reviewed (especially since I don't go the SP route too often). I've definitely had worse experiences though, so maybe keep an open mind, but proceed with caution because I was going in expecting FS for an hour, and received a BBBJ for maybe 15 mins/hh.... hope this helps, folks.
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