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Medical Community vs Doug Ford & pals


Well-known member
Jun 20, 2011
west gta

Surprise surprise
The other side of the coin is becoming public knowledge now
(rem that *other* thread I posted about the Covid19 coverup and all the Covidiots denied?)

Turns out medical community is convinced that Doug Ford put a weak Yes Man into the core medical positions at start of the alleged pandemic

So um to the resident covidiots on the board; now that the medical community has started breaking those NDAs to speak out, are you still agreeing with all the nonsense that has been happening?

Some choice quotes:
(feel free to read entire article)

“I don’t think he’s useless,” said one highly respected member of the medical community, who requested anonymity because of connections to the provincial response. “He’s dangerous. He’s dangerous because he can’t communicate, and he doesn’t advocate for sound public health measures. If you flipped a coin you’d get it right more often than David.”

That’s the core of this. It’s not personal. It’s not even political. Many people in the medical community say Dr. Williams is a good man, and some whisper he is a more canny bureaucrat than he appears.

But as one doctor who has worked with Williams on the provincial response put it, “He’s a lovely guy, but … part of the story nobody is talking about is they were cutting public health. They chose (to retain and support) someone on purpose who wasn’t a great communicator. It wouldn’t have been advantageous having a strong health leader for what was being planned.” As one accomplished ex-colleague of Williams recalls, they would be sitting in meetings with him and the ex-colleague would think, what is he talking about?

The worse part is he is such a poor communicator that you can’t always discern how bad his ideas are. In March, Williams denied community transmission was ongoing, while ER doctors were telling you it was everywhere. He only acknowledged asymptomatic transmission in mid-April, long after it was clear that asymptomatic transmission was not just occurring but was significant. He didn’t ban shared staff between long-term-care homes until mid-April, three weeks after British Columbia did so. Ontario’s LTC death rates were four times those in B.C.

“This is one of those moments of the pandemic that’s like a punch in the stomach,” said the highly respected member of the medical community. “One of those moments that we know, this is going to hurt us.”

“It’s hard to imagine that Dr. Williams both understands the issues, and is honestly saying keep things as they are,” said Dr. Andrew Morris, a professor of infectious diseases at the University of Toronto, and the medical director of the Antimicrobial Stewardship Program at Sinai-University Health Network, a couple weeks ago, when Williams defended the province’s restrictions framework. “I just find those two things impossible to reconcile. He either doesn’t believe the advice he’s giving, or he doesn’t understand the situation that we’re in.”

xref to the Cover Up thread where medical people were being gagged by NDAs from discussing the government & it's policies



Well-known member
Jun 20, 2011
west gta
Nice to see you criticizing Ford for refusing to listen to medical professionals.

Some more on it.
We know Govt fucked up (twice)

Back in March they let Covid decimate old age homes
We got TONS of promises to "fix" them

Instead here we are months later while second wave decimates more old age homes

I fail to see how that equates into a lockdown since for vast majority of population there is no issue
You get sick, you build antibodies, you move on with your life

We have less than 200 dead who are NOT related to an old age home or long term care facility
Cross country after months of the virus

And quite frankly I have been bad mouthing Ford since day 1
I can't think of a single post I made where I said any level of government handled this flu properly
Its been nothing but nonsense, fear of getting sick, shutting down business putting so many out of work, mask nonsense, vaccine nonsense, just garbage over and over again majority of it not true

If Covid existed I would (should) have caught it by now
I still know NOONE who has been sick
Not family, not friends, not co-workers

Fuck I even worked a site in Brampton a few months ago, Aug or Sep I would guess without checking dates
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