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Active member
Sep 20, 2004
Was wondering if anyone has seen her recently. Her reviews are all over the place and not knowing the posters it is difficult to interpret them. She looks hot and I have had an eye for her for some time know. I would TOFTT but at $260/hr she is too expensive given how iffy she is. Anyone?


May 28, 2012
The conclusion you should draw is ....... that she is iffy. Typical mediterrean termperament.


New member
May 19, 2012
I really hate to be negative, but I believe I should be honest since I have received a lot of good information here.

I saw Maxim last year and I did not have a good experience.

Small but annoying beginning I knocked on her hotel room and stood there for what seemed like forever but was probably only a minute or 2, but think about it, it's a long time to stand in front of a door.

She opened the door, she is attractive I will give her that, I love her boobs, natural and feel good.

The bad? Well we're on the bed, she's blowing me and she keeps looking back at the TV, I said, are you watching the TV? She said yea, isn't that a funny video? I said, don't know, I haven't seen it before. She gets up 2 or 3 times to go to the bathroom to do what I don't know. Then she says look away for a sec??? What? I do, then look back quickly :) She's putting some lube in, she gets a little annoyed and says I"m not supposed to know secrets. I guess the secret is I'm supposed to think she's wet.

I said well I kinda wanted some daty, so she wipes herself clean and I start daty, she is purposely sitting so it is difficult to lick her pussy then after about 2 minutes of licking she very poorly fakes an orgasm. Oh well on to the finale and we're done. Then she asks me if I want a massage and I said sure (not sure why because I wasn't really enjoying myself), so she grabs her phone, sits on my back and with one hand kneads her hand into my back and with the other checks her messages.

So I did not enjoy myself, it wasn't an absolutely horrible experience but I would not repeat. Could be a ymmv thing who knows.


Active member
Sep 20, 2004
Thank you Mr. Jake. My boner for her is huge but your experience seems to fit with the majority of others. I will not see her. By the way, Maxim if you are reading this you may want to change your mo. Do you want to make money? Do you want a good reputation? Listen.


Jan 20, 2004
Ottawa area
MrJake remembers more detail of his session than I remember of mine. But I do recall I was disappointed with the session. Not unattractive, but not as fetching as her pictures.
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