Ashley Madison

Massage Parlours


Aug 26, 2001
Saw Victoria at BL2...I'm not going to waste any more time than I have to about this blonde behemoth. This incredibly fat monstrosity was actually the best looking one I saw when I waltzed thru the door, I should have walked on back out.
Poor massage, and sighed alot because she lacked the technique to get off my spectacular specimen of manhood.
She then had the gall to blurt out that its nice to tip...if I knew she would enroll into a weight loss program with the money, I would be more than happy to. A colossal waste of time and money. Speaking of money, she wont be getting one red cent of mine ever again.


Aug 26, 2001

The circuit must be dying for cheap hired help.
I recently saw Abby at Platinum...massage was dull, alot of smearing viscous liquid all over in a lazy fashion, no extras performed at all, and was intent on receiving an outlandish for tip for services rendered in the area of 20 dollars. I roared with laughter at that concept of extra money for her, but no extra services provided for me. One excellent quality she does possess is an amazing rack, she could crush a man's head if they were in between them. I wasnt sure if she was pregnant or just fat, so the reason for the enormity of the breasts may be due to lactation... faith in MPs is dying fast, not only have I not enjoyed myself at them the past couple months, the quality of the service AND the women has been going down the drain.
I definitely wont be seeing Abby again.
Have a nice day,


Aug 22, 2001

There seems to be a similar trend lately in the London MP scene. Everybody seems to be having bad experiences. It's been a few months now since my last memorable session. I guess I'll just have to stick with the few that I know to be good times every time instead of trying to find new talent.

Ashley Madison
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