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Man Cuts Off His Penis In Busy London Restaurant


Active member
Feb 25, 2003
Luv Natural Redheads
Any you think you had a bad day... :p

Horrified diners watched in shock as a maniac sliced off his manhood in a crowded London pizza restaurant caleed 'Zizzi'.

A 35-year-old man burst into the restaurant, grabbed a knife from the kitchen, leapt on a table and dropped his trousers as customers fled screaming.

Sales rep Stuart McMahon, who was eating supper at the restaurant says: "This guy came running in then charged into the kitchen, got a massive knife and started waving it about".

"Everyone was screaming and running out as he jumped on a table, dropped his trousers and popped his penis out. Then he cut it off. I couldn’t believe it".

"The staff were really upset and there was blood everywhere."

Quick-thinking cops recovered the organ from the restaurant floor after subduing its crazed owner with CS gas. It was packed in ice and taken with the man to a local hospital.

Surgeons confirmed this was the first time that anyone in the UK had had their penis sewed back on. They say after controlling the blood loss, doctors had to repair the blood supply and reanimate the tissue by rejoining the arteries and veins under a microscope.

But plastic surgeon Dr Nicolo Scuderi adds: "We don’t know how much sensitivity and function will be regained".


New member
Jul 27, 2003
I guess he wanted to leave more than just a tip.
Last edited:


Well-known member
Jul 22, 2006
Slothien said:
maybe he wanted to quit hobbying for good.
I agree, he felt it did not serve his purpose anymore. :D


"The Gatekeeper"
Aug 29, 2006
Kindly think postively...

calloway said:
Any you think you had a bad day...

Horrified diners watched in shock as a maniac sliced off his manhood in a crowded London pizza restaurant caleed 'Zizzi'.

A 35-year-old man burst into the restaurant, grabbed a knife from the kitchen, leapt on a table and dropped his trousers as customers fled screaming.

Sales rep Stuart McMahon, who was eating supper at the restaurant says: "This guy came running in then charged into the kitchen, got a massive knife and started waving it about".

"Everyone was screaming and running out as he jumped on a table, dropped his trousers and popped his penis out. Then he cut it off. I couldn’t believe it".

"The staff were really upset and there was blood everywhere."

Quick-thinking cops recovered the organ from the restaurant floor after subduing its crazed owner with CS gas. It was packed in ice and taken with the man to a local hospital.

Surgeons confirmed this was the first time that anyone in the UK had had their penis sewed back on. They say after controlling the blood loss, doctors had to repair the blood supply and reanimate the tissue by rejoining the arteries and veins under a microscope.

But plastic surgeon Dr Nicolo Scuderi adds: "We don’t know how much sensitivity and function will be regained"


Now when he gets a BBBJ the gal gets pizza sauce.:D

Ben Hogan

New member
Aug 31, 2004
Remind me never to order London Broil at that establishment!!!


It's been good to know ya
What is wrong with people? Is it the chemicals they are spraying on our foods? Is it the way they report the news? Is it the internet that we should blame? Jeepers creepers. :eek:


Aug 17, 2001
Between a rock and a hard place
It was a London Pizzeria. Maybe they were having a special - One Xlarge for a bob.


quen es tu papi???
Feb 21, 2002
now that is a decated man to his plight...F@cking looser.. some one must have told him don't be a dick....


New member
Mar 28, 2004
This reminds me of the guy who worked at Bick's Pickles. He always wanted to stick his dick into the pickle slicer. It was an obsession. He kept fantasizing and dreaming about it and everytime he saw the pickle slicer he wanted to stick his dick into it. It soon got to the point that all he could think about was sticking his dick into the pickle slicer. So one day he gathered up his courage and he finally did.

He went home to his wife, told her what he did, and that the company had fired him because of it. His wife was horrified, and actually threw up when he told her the news. She eventually settled down and asked to see his dick. So he dropped his pants and showed her.

"But it looks perfectly normal," she said. "There's nothing wrong with it. What happened to it? What happened to the pickle slicer?"

"I think they fired her too", he answered.
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