Madrid bombings carry al-Qaida hallmark


Aug 26, 2001
Sounds like Al-Qaida to me. They are targeting the Spanish for supporting and participating in the war in Iraq. This is one costly and brutal campaign brought upon the West.
n_v said:
Sounds like Al-Qaida to me. They are targeting the Spanish for supporting and participating in the war in Iraq. This is one costly and brutal campaign brought upon the West.
Are you saying that the West asked for this war???
I dont think thats what you meant but I'm checking nonetheless.


Aug 26, 2001
johnnyhandsome said:
Are you saying that the West asked for this war???
I dont think thats what you meant but I'm checking nonetheless.
No. what I am saying is this war will cost lives that the west did not want any part of. but the U.S. .. well let's not go there.


Retired TERB Ass Slapper
Aug 20, 2001
Trolling the Deleted Threads Repository
F*ck the terrorists

I just watched TV coverage of the Madrid train bombs on the BBC website. There's a 4 minute newsbite that covers the incident with typical BBC aplomb.

Watching the coverage and reading the rest of BBC website brings back those horrid memories and feelings of another 11th day of another month in 2001. The mindset of terrorists is a difficult one to understand. These attacks were coldly calculated to do maximum damage to a civilian population. And for what?

Did these people trod upon the rights and beliefs of terrorist?
Did they fund activities specifically targetted at terrorists?
Did they personally take up arms or other actions against terrorists?

Of course not. These were normal people like you & me on their way to work. So WTF do the terrorists gain by these kinds of actions?

190 innocent people dead and over 1200 wounded. What for?


Protuberant Member
May 29, 2002
North America
An Eye for and EYE......

It's all relative.
For one Spain supported Bush's war.
Many innocent people were killed in both Iraq and Afghan action. Revenge was promised and apparently just delivered.

It's all pretty simple to understand given what has been going on in the Middle East for say the past few thousand years, you know that "eye for an eye thing." The only difference is that now Bush has decided to enter the fray along with those he cajoled to join him. Bush feels he is right, "God is on his side you know." Some in his group even say God "speaks" to he must be right.

Pass the OxyContin please......I think I need a few..........


Active member
Aug 23, 2001
Acts like this will only make those who supported the war look good. The majority of Spaniards were very vocally against the war and the current Spanish government was not very popular. So to bomb the very people opposed to the war just justifies to some people how crazy and dangerous these "radical extremists" are and may actually help the current president.


Senior Retired User
Jan 16, 2004
retired from the game
The world reels under the threat of terrorism.. this is what the terrorists want.. unbrideled panic..

It is time for a strong stance against the terrorists not just with words, action has always spoken louder. When the response to a terrorist attack can be measured in a word count and not a body count it is truely a paper response.

In the 1970, we the Canadian people fought terrorism in our own country, remember PET and the FLQ..

That was action, not just words. Today's leaders could learn a valuable lesson from our history.. do what it takes, no matter the cost,

"Soldiers in combat gear on the streets of Ottawa, you can't keep them here" a CBC reporter asked Prime Minister P. Trudeau.

"Just watch me" was the reply...


Active member
Jan 7, 2002
Don said:
Acts like this will only make those who supported the war look good. The majority of Spaniards were very vocally against the war and the current Spanish government was not very popular. So to bomb the very people opposed to the war just justifies to some people how crazy and dangerous these "radical extremists" are and may actually help the current president.
Spain supported the USA action in Iraq. But this has little to do with the Al Qaeda terrorists. There do not appear to have been any links between Al Qaeda and the former Iraq regime.

Spanish national elections are being held on Sunday. All polls indicate that the governing Partido Popular (which supported the Iraq war) will win a majority. We'll see on Sunday.


Arrogant American Idiot
Oct 28, 2002
Re: F*ck the terrorists

xarir said:
Of course not. These were normal people like you & me on their way to work. So WTF do the terrorists gain by these kinds of actions?

190 innocent people dead and over 1200 wounded. What for?
They achieve fear among the population. They want Spain's populaion to demand a withdrawl of support for the US.

Chivas Regal

A Fine Lickor !
Jul 5, 2002
We are not free of attack in Canada. Especially in TO.
Terrorists are everywhere, and I worry more for my kids as they are the generation that will inherit this mess.

Another reason why it may very well be Al Queda is because this bombing also happened on the 11th day of the month. (Remember Sept 11, 2001 ?????)
Coincidence??? Maybe, but the odds are 1 in 30.

aka Danielle

Touching your member

Does anyone think the discovery of a van with detonators and an Islamic religious tape is just a little too easy?

A group has claimed responsibility for this, but that same group also claimed responsibility for last summers blackout.

Whoever was responsible for this is sick. The fact that it was on the 11th is pretty scary too.


Well-known member
Dec 7, 2001
bbking said:
I always thought the Basque group only attacked military and government facilities and as such I would al-Qaida maybe to blame here.

actually ETA has a long string of bombings and killings of civilians since the late 1960's, a terrorist is a terrorist no matter what shade of the rainbow,what they worship or their political ideology.
The ETA (Spanish basks) have denied that it was them and this basically only leaves Muslims. Unless it's a bunch of IRA guys that somehow got lost and wound up in Madrid, I can only see that it's Bin Laden


rhythmic member
johnnyhandsome said:
The ETA (Spanish basks) have denied that it was them ...
Unless they are now going "HOLY FUCK!" and shitting all over a junior group for taking too much initiative.

But it could also be the radical Muslims (Al Qaeda) who want "their" land (Spain) back. And are pissed at the Spanish for their vocal support of the US and UK.
The muslims are still pissed about the freaking crusades which was hundreds of years ago. I mean get real people. Let it go.
Toronto Escorts