Mirage Escorts
Ashley Madison

Madison Doll or..oh boy am I stupid


Sep 21, 2004
In a van down by the river
I was almost to embarassed to write this review, but maybe somebody will learn from this.
Here is what happened, the whole thing started with this email exchange.

Madison Doll wrote:
I don't have that exact one but one almost like it. So the donation is $225 please place it in an unsealed envelope beside the bed when you arrive. see you at 430

On 9/22/05, *me*wrote:
Well i thought you might be sharing the email with her, sorry.

What kind of session would it take for you to wear the attached outfit?? LOL..seriously I would prefer a nice and gentle session.
I hope you brought the outfit along...

Madison Doll wrote:
Yes silly. You emailed me (madison). I am staying at the ***** Are we having a GFE$225/PSE$275 session? Please let me know so that I can prepare.

On 9/22/05, * me*wrote:
Yeah this should work.
Are you Madison? Where are you located?


Madison Doll wrote:
Hello Peter! I am available for a 430-530 this evening. Let me know if this works for you. Thank you!

On 9/22/05 * me*wrote:
I know Iknow..short notice, but things have changed in the last minute for me. Is there anyway i can see you or Hailey this afternoon?

Please call me at ********

I showed up at the arranged time "Madison" opened the door. At first glance she seemed heavier than on the picture. I didn't mind too much, since I kinda like heavier(not fat) girls.
Formalities were put out of the way quickly. Session was ok. I wasn't very dissapointed, but I wasn't too happy either.
During the session I noticed her tatoo. I looked at it but nothing clicked. When the deed was done I dressed and was ready to leave.
On my way out there was a girl lying on the couch in the next room..and then it hit me..GEEZ I just spend the last hour with somebody other than Madison, without noticing.
I was halfway out the door and I really was too embarassed to say something.
Once in my car suddenly it started to click. The tatoo(Madison doesn't have one), the hair(her hair is a different color), the weight(she seemed quiet a bit lighter).etc..Boy do i feel stupid.

I am even a member of her yahoo group and was looking at all the pictures she has and i just didn't notice.
Even the outfit I asked her to wear she didn't wear.
In a way I felt bad for her, because she had so many no-shows today, but i felt like to get an appointment with her on short notice.
Now I feel like I was taken. From the email exchange it was very clear to me, that i was booking with her..or???

I know you read stuff on this site. i don't know if you did this on purpose or if it was just a missunderstanding.
In any case it doesn't look good on you and I hope you will not do it again.

The session with ????? was ok.
Body: 6
Attitude: 8
Repeat: Don't think so.


May 17, 2005
langeweile, that's way too funny ... LOL ... did you bring the camera or the camcorder for this unforgettable session in life? .... LOL


Senior Member
Mar 23, 2002
langeweile said:
During the session I noticed her tatoo. I looked at it but nothing clicked. . . .Once in my car suddenly it started to click. The tatoo(Madison doesn't have one), the hair(her hair is a different color), the weight(she seemed quiet a bit lighter).etc..Boy do i feel stupid.


Actually, Madison does have a tattoo, a rather large one. The pix on her Yahoo site don't show it. She chose ones where it is not visible. Privacy reasons, I guess. It is quite unique.

She does change her hair style and colors and the galleries on her site show a variety. And, while the pix are accurate, she does get coments that she is "heavier."

She has had excellent reviews from some fussy guys.

I doubt that she would pull a bait and switch. I am willing to bet that the lady you saw was Madison Doll.


New member
May 25, 2005
I've herd of Alien ubductions stories like this. Apparently they're collecting sperm for Alien/Human hybrids.


New member
Aug 12, 2003
I know... very few posts... little credibilty....

I checked out her red zone ad. 6th pic from the top on the left, you can see the tat.... No experience in real life though....


Sep 21, 2004
In a van down by the river
Damondean said:
langeweile said:
During the session I noticed her tatoo. I looked at it but nothing clicked. . . .Once in my car suddenly it started to click. The tatoo(Madison doesn't have one), the hair(her hair is a different color), the weight(she seemed quiet a bit lighter).etc..Boy do i feel stupid.


Actually, Madison does have a tattoo, a rather large one. The pix on her Yahoo site don't show it. She chose ones where it is not visible. Privacy reasons, I guess. It is quite unique.

She does change her hair style and colors and the galleries on her site show a variety. And, while the pix are accurate, she does get coments that she is "heavier."

She has had excellent reviews from some fussy guys.

I doubt that she would pull a bait and switch. I am willing to bet that the lady you saw was Madison Doll.
I looked at her picture again.The tatoo of th other girl is way larger. You wouldn't be able to hide it on any photo. It covers a large part of her upper thigh and butt.
Yes there is no doubt in my mind that she pulled a bait and switch.

Here is my theory.
If you go and look at her posts in regards to her visit. It is clear that she dragged along a friend, with the promise of making a quick buck in Ottawa. After a lot of no shows she probably wanted to give her friend a chance to make some money as well.
I am wondering if Madison will have enough class to admit to it and apologize, but I am not holding my breath.

As to you Hailey, although you are not quiet in the same category as Madison i did enjoy my time with you.
Unfortunately only until the moment I left the apartment.

I hope the $225 was worth your credibility.


frisky pixie out to play
Jul 25, 2004

Well.. I must laugh again and again..

boys help me out here...

Do I have pictures anywhere on the web of a tatoo?
Do I have a tatoo on my leg?
Do I have bright pink and black hair?

I did get a glimse of you on the couch between my appointments yesterday... did you notice my urban style?

I think this is an obvious misunderstanding.. It is unfortunate that one could not voice their concerns in person...

FYI Madison and I both had picture done in the last 2 months.. So they are as acurate as possible.

Thank you to everyone who I met on my trip. Don't know if I will return any time soon.. but Toronot is just a hop skip and a jump away!

The Lurker

All grown up. :O
Sep 7, 2005
Tee Hee

I must to agree with Pixie. While I wasn't able to meet these ladies in person (this time ?), they are clearly not twins.

The hair is different, their smiles are different, their breast are different and their general body shapes are different! From their websites even their attitudes sound different.

So one wonders why you didn't say anything, this is a service industry. Complaining after the fact is no good.

Personally if I had won the Lotto, I'd have gone for the $1K Dynamic Duo PSE session :D

The Lurker

All grown up. :O
Sep 7, 2005
An Open Apology on behalf of Ottawa.

Dear Maddison and Pixierl,

I would like to say that what you experienced this week was unusual and in no way reflects the desires of all of us here. You came up here with great attitudes and great reviews, with expectations of meeting some nice guys.

Unfortunately we seem to have more than our fair share of inconsiderate and immature guys. This is why many SP's only see men over thirty, in the belief that we are more mature. Apparently growing old and growing up are two different things.

Please do not take these eight or nine people as representative of all of us here on TERB or in fact Ottawa. They don't represent me for one. I could not see you as I wanted, as I have just seen an SP from Montreal at the begining of the week. Should you decide return in the months to come I would like too.


All about the fun!
Jun 28, 2005

As in any service industry it is alot of work to get good reviews but only one to ruin it all.
Because of a few bad experiances here in Ottawa it looks like we are going to loose some decent ladies.
If some one has a bit of a poor experiance with a lady......why not try to work it out with them privately by email or by phone if possible first.
Then if you post the problem and the end result together showing both sides then every one looks better in the end.

Alot of the postings are done in confusion and frustration right after the fact.

A good business practice is to write the posting or email down.....save it, and then go back a while later and read and write it again brfore you actually post it.

Doing this will save alot of flamming postings.

Madison......I only wish the there was some way the rest of us who are not fakes could make this up to you and show you we want you back!


All about the fun!
Jun 28, 2005
Hey lurk......

We have to be careful or people will think we are the same person and we might be called Shills.............for our postsings

The Lurker

All grown up. :O
Sep 7, 2005
Sure why not. Let's there's the SP's from EC, the one from MTL, the next one from TO and the last from outwest...

I wouldn't be a shill so much as an add agency!

Then there's the repeats and retries because of bad timming and ...

Hey where's that thread on addictions?



Sep 21, 2004
In a van down by the river
Madison Doll said:
langeweile said:
I have heard MANY things but I think this one tops the cake. CLEARLY this was not a bait and switch. If you would like I would be happy to recount the details of our intimate session, here on the board to prove that I am in fact me. After you left the apartment I remembered about the outfit request, so I am very sorry about that. Had you mentioned it to me I would have changed before we began.

I do have a large tatoo on my leg and 2 on my back. It has been stated before in reviews and some of it shows in my photos. Damondean actually took several of the photos for me so he can attest to their accuracy.

This trip to Ottawa now toped by an accusation of B&S has been my worst touring experience yet with a close second being Kingston. I am completely dissappointed by the members here on this board for the no shows and now untrue comments. Just this morning Hailey and I have been stood up again by :_school a member here on terb, for a 2 hour duo appointment. In the past I have suggested to other ladies that they should tour to Ottawa because the men are so nice and the $ is good: Sweet Sasha and Sexy Selina to name a few. From here on out Ottawa overall will get a very negative review from me.

langeweile: I enjoyed the time that we spent together yesterday evening and the way that you "LOVED!" my curvy figure and mentioned it several times. I'm sorry that you feel that I misrepresented myself and hope that in the future you get exactly what you expect. ALSO...So that maybe someone can learn from this....If you are unsure or unsatisfied by the women who answers the door DON'T STAY!!!! I would rather have a client walk away then have this garabage written about me after our session!!!!

Madison Doll
If you were indeed the person in that session, than I owe you an apology.

If you were indeed that person in that session, than you look a lot different from your pictures on your site. Your hair is different. Your weight is different and certainly your tatoos magically dissapeared from your pictures.
Congrats to your photographer he did a hell of a job. The tattos I saw on you last evening are nowhere near the same size or shape as the ones on your site.
I never said that I was dissapointed with your session. It might have not met my expectations, but it was ok.

AGAIN....If i have accussed you of a bait and switch and you were indeed Madison I sincerely apologize.

PS..or maybe I am dumber than i think.... :confused:


Sep 21, 2004
In a van down by the river
Madison Doll review

After weeks of looking at her website I decided to take the plunge. initally I thought that all her times were booked, but I was lucky.
She immediately answered my email and we agreed to meet at her downtown location.The location was a discreet downtown hotel.

She opened the door wearing a white set of underwear and a matching see through piece of lingerie on top.
In general i am not a big fan of "Twiggy like" girls, which was one of the reasons why I picked her.
Guys, if you like skinny girls..stay away. She was a bit heavier than expected, but within the range, that I would consider acceptable. Although she is heavier in person, than she appears on her website.

After I took a shower she started the session with a light massage. She is a very friendly and bubbly personality and she is eager to please.
Light kissing, DATY, BBBJ and CBJ were on the menu. She was clean and smelled good.
She seemed responsive to DATY and I enjoyed the view(and touch)of her big natural breast(sorry I am bad about sizes) while doing a cowgirl. She asked me if i wanted to change positions, but I declined. Especially since she told me that that was her favorite position.
after cleanup there was very little time left for round two. In my younger days no problem, but now it just takes a bit longer to recover... :D

We ended the session exactly after one hour...

Body: 6 (looks very different from her website)
Service:8 (it was a fun time)
Attitude: 8
Repeat: NO


All about the fun!
Jun 28, 2005
confused a bit

Do not take his as any type of insult........

Are you trying to smooth things over after your first posting and getting a few people wired up?

It is a more polite post but I think the damage has been done........I only hope it can help smooth things over and Madison and her friends do not hold this week against us.


Sep 21, 2004
In a van down by the river
antlerman said:
Do not take his as any type of insult........

Are you trying to smooth things over after your first posting and getting a few people wired up?

It is a more polite post but I think the damage has been done........I only hope it can help smooth things over and Madison and her friends do not hold this week against us.
Here is my reasoning.

1) It is quiet possible that I was wrong about my "bait and switch" post.

2) Being dissapointed over the look of an SP vs "bait and switch" are two very different things.

3) If i was wrong about the bait and switch ( it seems that way), than I owe the board a more objective review, One free from the cloud of bait and switch.Don't you think so?

4) If I wrong about my assumption I have apologized in a seperate post.

For me those are two very different issues.

If based on this they decide not to come back, that is their own decision. Remember I showed up and I was on time.

Even without my perceived bait and switch, the pictures on her site give a very different picture about the actual person.
This is a point that we hobbyist should know. It is just too bad that this point is getting lost, due to my own fault.

In the end it is just my opinion and your taste and expectations are different from mine.


All about the fun!
Jun 28, 2005
I think that works

I am no moderator, nor do I have the experiance that lange might have based on all his postings, but I do think he has explained himself clearly and tried to make us see what his point of view is.
Thanks from me, at least.

As for providers posting pictures that are not always a perfect representation....well that happens in all advertising.....no matter what you are paying for.

Always buyer beware and be upfront.........we all know that as soon as a lady opens the door, our head on our shoulders turns off and the one Mr.Happy has takes over............


Active member
Aug 20, 2004
I agree with your repost based on your reasoning. I think it's a good idea to clarify matters so that threads can die a proper death.


Active member
Aug 20, 2004
To Madison Doll

Madison you doll,

I'd also like to offer the same apology that Lurker did. Not everyone here is a no-show jerk.

Please don't let the no-show and incident with langeweille cloud your judgement and paint all Ottawa hobbyists with the same brush.

I believe that Jasmin indicated that your no-shows (or at least some of them) were perpetrated by the same jerks that gave her a hard time.

As a separate matter ... I wish we could find those few bad no-show appels and give them what they deserve.
Ashley Madison
Toronto Escorts