Made my day - asshat gets put in his place


New member
Dec 27, 2004
I was out shopping for a watch as a gift, and found myself in a small indy jewelry store in midtown that has a buzz-in security door. So I'm talking to the owner about watches, and in comes a rude guy. He interrupts my transcation to ask prices of things, and when he is asked nicely to wait until I am finished, he says "okay" byt 10 seconds later is talking over me again asking the shopkeeper how much is this, and this. He isn't in a hurry - he is just obnoxious. So, he walks over to another display case, then takes out his cell and starts to dial. The security guard nicely tells him due to a robbery last year cells are not allowed to be used in the store, and asks if he could wait and make his call later, or else step outside to make his call. The guy teels the secuirity guard to go F--- himself. Then he interrupts my transaction yet again to say "the guard says I can't use my phone in here". The owner starts to explain the policy, and then is going to let him use the cell anyway, but the guy's phone rings and he answers it and then tells the shopkeeper to shut up, as he's on the phone. He then walks outside the store to finish his call, not to be polite to us, but because he doesn't want us hearing what he is saying - something about buy at 80 and sell at some other price.

Now for the good part. He knocks on the security door to be let back in, and the shopkeeper says "Sir, you insulted me and my employee, so I'd prefer you took your business elsewhere". Obnoxious guy says "You've got to be kidding me - let me in!" The shopkeeper says "You used the F-word to my security guard, and were rude to me and to this customer. Please go away." The guy rattles the door (but can't open it) and starts yelling at the security guard through the window, saying "You F---ing son of a bi---" and the guard says "same to you - have a nice day". The the guy says "how much do you make? $10. an hour? You're nothing. I have $10,000 in my pocket to spend on jewelry - I'm 100 times the man you are you little fa--ot". The guard calmly replies "I'm twice the man you are and don't care what you have in your pocket" to which the shopkeeper adds "$10k is nothing special to me - most of my watches here cost more than that. Find another store to shop at". The guy couldn't believe the shopkeeper wouldn't let him back in to shop. So he says a final "F--- You to the (armed) secuirity guard and leaves. Then the shopkeeper turns to the guard and joking says "He's lucky you didn't shoot him".

The best part was watching the pick walk down the street scrathing his head with a puzzled look on his face wondering how it could be that his 10k didn't allow him to treat everybody like crap and get away with it. Priceless!:cool:


New member
Dec 27, 2004
P.S. I also was in a good mood as I had an appointment with Jana@Mirage ths afternoon just prior to this incident, so the day whet from good to more good as it progressed. What a great afternoon: first I get some, then get to see an asshat put in his place.


resident smartass
Aug 18, 2001
way out in left field
Yup, every once in a while the planets align, the gods shine down upon the mortals of this earth and the assholes get their due....

Ben Hogan

New member
Aug 31, 2004
alexmst said:
P.S. I also was in a good mood as I had an appointment with Jana@Mirage ths afternoon just prior to this incident, so the day whet from good to more good as it progressed. What a great afternoon: first I get some, then get to see an asshat put in his place.
Sounds like a win-win day to me!


New member
Aug 28, 2002
Oh, so that was you I interrupted. Listen buddy - the $10,000 in my pocket was just a down payment - do you know how much the $250,000 in cash I was planning to drop actually weighs? Of course not - you've never seen that much money in your life, because if you did, you'd know that we always make the transaction first with a small down payment and then bring the heavy stuff in later. Now listen - my cell phone is ringing again and I gotta go! ;)


Almost Done.
Jul 10, 2006
KWI said:
I have some assholes that need taken care of?????
I could have sworn I read you have a no anal play policy. :eek:


New member
Dec 23, 2006
It is always fun to screw with a$$holes like that. I usually do not take kindly to being's all about respect. Something that guy knows nothing about.
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