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Macron vs Putin

Insidious Von

My head is my home
Sep 12, 2007
France is ungovernable, almost to the point of becoming Italy.

Bernard Hollande achieved the same popularity rating as Kathleen Wynne, he wanted to bring in labour and tax reforms. Gerard Depardeau was incensed that the Socialist government had the nerve to deny him one less plate of foi gras - so he became a Russian citizen. The current yellow jacket protest is into its 11th week, which must be costing Putin a czarist sum. The scope of the protests has changed, it was initially about tax reform. Le Pen supporters have taken over. They are demanding that the borders with Italy and Spain be closed to stop further immigration. They also demand the banning of gay marriage and abortion, and that France leave the EU. Putin's ultimate goal is to break up the EU or at the very least to sow chaos within. Marine Le Pen publicly pledged her loyalty to Putin during the last Presidential Election. Should she become President, she'll have to hesitation in doing his bidding.

What should Emmanuel Macron do? He has to stop these unnecessary protests before the weather gets warmer, it will hurt the tourist industry if the country is seen to be lawless. And he has to exert greater control over social media, the platforms are destroying democracy from within. It's a high stakes game. Putin has the advantage, he's not required to answer to anyone.
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