I've been on both sides in the first video now because of the industry but I've never considered a bonfire (just the bottle of wine). I've also been in the position of the second video in a way I suppose.
Truth be told the learning experiences and growth that has come from both perspectives made me realize some of us are not designed for monogamy. The expectation of such defies human nature in many ways... It is purely cultural, and ignores basic physical drive let alone emotional needs. It is a fantastic concept, and for some it is ideal while others don't seem to be as drawn to it. The expectation of it from another person is often times setting one up for failure.
This "hobby" has been the perfect solution. I truly can't give the time or attention required for starting or maintaining something truly committed, and the bar scene just isn't me. It is not just those who may be attached who appreciate the lack of drama, but those who are potentially available certainly appreciate the fantastic escapes from their day to day life as well.
This setting creates a buffer, and provides the perspective to keep things in check. This isn't to say there are not emotional components, intimacy, and even feelings which can play a huge part in ongoing liaisons. When I am in the mood for variety I make time for someone who has made contact. If I am in the mood for something where I know what to expect I simply wait until the opportunity presents it's self.