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Lose weight by "swallowing".


New member
Mar 18, 2002
Waytoofar N. Ont.
Surprising new finding links sexual practices to staying slim.

By Gina Gunn:

Believe it or not, the secret to keeping those pounds off may be in the mysterious chemical makeup of semen. :eek:

A recent European study showed that women who performed fellatio on their male companions to completion (swallowing) gained an average of 48% less weight over a one year period than their counterparts who did not.

200 subjects ate the same foods and exercised in identical routines during a 12 month study conducted by Ingrid Fleischer, Professor of Science and Medicine at The University
of Hamburg.

Why the difference? Fleischer says it may have to do with an ingredient in ejaculate which targets calories in the digestive system.

"In addition to sperm, the main components of semen are: water, simple sugars, alkaline substances, prostaglandin, vitamin C, zinc and some cholesterol. It's the special alkaline found in semen that we are focusing on."

"In other chemical concentrates, the alkaline has no effect on burning calories inside the body, but when it is mixed with the elements found in human semen, the effect are staggering" said Fleischer.

As for the subjects who did not swallow with their partners, some were convinced they should try it.

An unnamed female stated that if she knew that she could have not gained the weight she did during the study. she would have "eaten him three meals a day!".

- Boston

OK guys, here's the argument we've always needed.

Master Muse

New member
Oct 7, 2001
Lose wieght by swallowing

Pursuant to your request, I do not believe it. You cannot be serious with that citation to zero.


New member
Aug 22, 2001
LOL!! A simple explaination.
The ones who swallowed probably just lost their appetites.


New member
Feb 3, 2002
LOL @ Heather


A Double Beat!

Sorry Heather!
Another study regarding the benefits of ingesting male semen, discussed on a thread some weeks back, related to the therapeutic effect male ejaculate has on menopausal women!
It seems that women who are experiencing the very uncomfortable effects of menopause may relieve same through a regular diet of male semen!
I've suggested to the wife that two, perhaps three times a week would be very beneficial for her!
I think in the same breath I suggested that if she allowed DATY, my willy would probably grow two inches and my hair would start to grow back!

Willywants (to 69 with the wife and invent a cure all!!)
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