Don said:
Might be good intentioned but I dislike policies that take away freedoms. ........
That's a little naive: We have thousands of laws and policies that take away a lot of our personal freedoms and not all of them are dangerous to others, just dangerous to us period.
For eg:
- Base jumping off buildings
- Discharging firearms within the city limits
- Noise by laws (while an irritant to others it isn't dangerous)
- Speed limits
- Storage of junk in your front yard
- Raising farm animals in your back yard
- Building codes
- Banned substances (ie: pesticides)
- Water use bans when needed
- Public Nudity and intoxication
- Restriction of importation of certain items that are known hazards ie: drugs and chemicals
- Pollution control and waste disposal
- Building permits (which prevent people from doing whatever they want whenever they want. For eg: you can't build a smelting tower in your backyard or erect a 10 story apartment building on your property).
- Drinking hours and availability of places to buy alcohol.
- Drugs (illegal ones like pot, coke, meth, crack etc).
- Public solicitation
Sorry, there is a tremendous amount of rules already in place that we readily accept and are there to protect us from ourselves and I see this as no different.