Toronto Escorts

Looking for opinions on service


Well-known member
I've been reading thru a lot of reviews lately, and I have a question for the ladies and the men..

Ladies...when you see a client,for a HH or Hour, whatever..Do you feel that you have to hit every item on your menu so as to make the client feel that he ""got his money worth""..or do you kinda go with the flow?..see how things the you have a sense that if you dont hit all items on your menu that it may reflect negatively on you?..either in no repeat with the client..or ''god forbid" a bad review on one of the boards?

And Guys..
when you book a you go in to a visit..'expecting what was advertised" or do you go in with lower expectations and see what happens?
I realize TOFTT're kinda going in blind..on an unknown entity...
Your thoughts...


Into Ties and Tail
Aug 13, 2009
Durham & Toronto
If it is for an hour or more I go with the flow. That said, if it is a first visit I will have researched the lady to make sure that there is some degree of a match in terms of service. For instance, no DFK no me. But I like the relaxed approach and ladies seem to be comfortable with it. For a hh it is somewhat different. I would never try to book any of my ATF escorts for hh. So my hh expeditions tend to be for a quick BBBJ with DFK and typically I do this instead of some of the MPA sessions that I have been trying. There is some element of risk in this for a first time visit. Witness my crash and burn BP thread with Oshawa Kylie today. I do not look for these hh adventures too often!
Toronto Escorts