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looking for CDN labour law experience


Aug 21, 2001
at her six
My company and my union are in collective bargaining - have been without a contract for over 2 years now! Our first round of collective bargaining to establish our initial contract (our last) ended up in conciliation with the Feds threatening to legislate a settlement if both sides didn't agree to a contract. Which we did.
Now without giving out too many details I'm interested in what steps have to be taken before the Feds could legislate a settlement for this (subsequent) round of bargaining? Can they at all?
Any thoughts or references appreciated. What power or to what degree can the federal government impose a collective agreement on a company/union in the private sector after the initial collective agreement has been established?


New member
Jul 29, 2002
Above 7
Sheik said:
. Do not take the union's word
No truer words were ever spoken .

Having seen this in action it is simply not believeable how much the unions lie to and manipulate their unsuspecting membership . Their power base is created by creating a common enemy , withholding and distorting facts and intimidation of dissenteers within their own ranks .



Aug 21, 2001
at her six
back to the question please.

We're getting a little off track here. My question isn't union good or union bad. It was about the collective bargaining process under the Canadain Labour Code.
To be employed in my profession I'm required to belong to my union as it's a closed shop sorta speak nation wide. Again the union point is moot.
I'd still like to know if anyone out there has any information on the process under the CLC that the GOVERNMENT has to ensure happens before they impose a contract, be it through legislation or binding arbitration. What hoops have to have been jumped through by which sides?

Side note, I'd love it if unions were no longer needed and the market place was based on who does the job best. (with those people being properly taken care of)
Problem is that not all companies are ethical in their treatment of their employees. My company is disgusting in how it treats it's labour force - not just my opinion - so if my company is going to treat it's workers with an us vs them mentality I've no choice but to support a strong union. Like it or not.


Well-known member

I work for Galen Weston.I should say I work for one of his businesses. Galen is the second richest man in Canada.Most of his business are labour businesses( grocery,Beef,Bread etc). He did not keep this kind of stature in business by being a smart,inovative, or lucky businessman. He got there through an iron fist. I've spoken to or dealt with pretty much all levels of his empire. One common thought permiates most the conversations.....Fear and intimidation.
I am part of a union. Yes, there an people there who simply have the stature they have due to their time served ..not based on skill...and sometimes it sicken me that someone with a grade 7 education ,a lazy slob to boot, has more rights to certain types of work then I do. However I am well aware what kind of hell my job would be without some type of organization there to regulate to a degree what my company can and cannot do. Pretty much all capitalist economy companies are motivated by financial profit. .....You'd be surprised what some would do for more profit if they had the chance.
I've worked in labour for twelve years and am in the process of finishing my university degree and hope to leave the industry I now work in relatively soon. The changes I have seen(mostly technological ) make my job more disgusting everyday. Take care
Ashley Madison
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