Living with a roommate?

desert monk

Active member
Apr 22, 2009
I am a single and recently purchased a 3 bedroom townhouse. I have already had 2 friends approach me seriously wanting to rent a room. The extra money would help, but I don't need to do this to make payment. To me it sounds like a disaster waiting to happen. They are friends too... I can see the potential hazards in that.

I think I value my privacy and sanity more than the extra money... but I could use some extra money. I've been reading horror stories about roommates and am basically scared about it now.

What is the verdict on renting out a room in your home (to a friend or otherwise)?


Jul 3, 2009
I am a single and recently purchased a 3 bedroom townhouse. I have already had 2 friends approach me seriously wanting to rent a room. The extra money would help, but I don't need to do this to make payment. To me it sounds like a disaster waiting to happen. They are friends too... I can see the potential hazards in that.

I think I value my privacy and sanity more than the extra money... but I could use some extra money. I've been reading horror stories about roommates and am basically scared about it now.

What is the verdict on renting out a room in your home (to a friend or otherwise)?

I have been living on my own for 5 years going on 6 and I rather handle the cost of living by myself then wonder if a roommate will take responsibility in the household.


New member
Oct 27, 2006
If you have roomies, make sure they are not substance abusers. Friendships end if there is a straight person in the mix.


New member
Jul 6, 2008
Basically, it's a trade-off: $$$ for privacy. My first roommate never gave me space or privacy and in hindsight it was not worth the extra cash I got. My second roommate was better but sometimes you just want to be on your own and be able to do what you want (and watch the shows that you want). BTW both were good friends. So, if you don't need $$$, my advice would be to pass.


New member
Mar 30, 2007
If you want to keep your friends, don't have them as roommates. More often than not you will end up hating that person, no matter how good of friends you are. It's a crapshoot with strangers too. If you don't rent out a room, you will be much happier. Not to mention if you do rent it out and they want a receipt, then you will have to claim the rent money as income:mad:


New member
Mar 28, 2004
If you are over 25, don't get a roommate. Living with a roommate who isn't your lover is for kids and poor people.

C Dick

Feb 2, 2002
I would rather live in a cardboard box than have a roommate. It is hard enough to live with my wife and kids, who I love, anyone else would be a nightmare. Perhaps that's just me.


New member
Jul 6, 2008
If you are over 25, don't get a roommate. Living with a roommate who isn't your lover is for kids and poor people.
Or people that live in NYC. I had a small 1-bedroom in a non-elevator building and it was costing me $2200/month. I needed a roomate. :mad:


The Ideal Terbite
Aug 6, 2003
Or people that live in NYC. I had a small 1-bedroom in a non-elevator building and it was costing me $2200/month. I needed a roomate.
That means you were in the poor category, relatively speaking :)
Room mates can work out, but there have to be boundaries... On 2 separate occasions I had a roommate and it worked out fine. The one was when I first moved out on my own... I was 18 yrs old, and needed help making the rent when I moved to a new city for work. He was OK, we made friends and we hung together to some degree, but I usually went back home on weekends to visit the GF so he had the place to himself on weekends and it all worked out. When I got transferred to another new city he took over the lease, so I had a built in sublet arrangement. :)

In the new city, I lived on my own for a couple years... I had a large 2 bedroom apartment and I was fine with this... a buddy and 1 of the guys that worked for me decided to get an apartment in the same complex as mine, but 2 weeks before they were supposed to move in, my employee got promoted to his own store. Since my buddy already gave up his apartment, he was left high and dry... so I offered to let him crash at my place in the spare room until such time that he could find his own. After a couple months, I got to like the extra $$$ from his share of the rent and we got along fine, neither of us ever overstepped the privacy boundaries, so I let him stay. It was during this time that the old GF & I split up and I met and started dating Mrs. CG... Anytime we needed time for ourselves, he would make himself scarce. He didn't date much but Mrs. CG and I went out a lot which afforded him privacy as well. A couple years later, I got another promotion and had to move to Mississauga, so he took over the lease and he ended up living there for many many years.

That room-mate is still my best friend today... he was the best man at our wedding and is the godfather to all three of our children, but he still sucks at pool! LOL! :D


resident smartass
Aug 18, 2001
way out in left field
as CG pointed out: "without overstepping the privacy boundaries".

Unless you've know this person forever, you're taking your chances.

Every roommate I ever had:

continually drank the last beer and never bought more
continually left dirty dishes in the sink
continually used up ALL the dishes and left them as per the above
was always late with their share of the rent, hydro, etc
was always using up my food

In addition 1 female roommate I had (with another for a total of 2 female roommates) used to share groceries. We'd split the cost every week. One week I got home from work and she said "you owe $40.00 for groceries this week". I paid her.

I went skiing that weekend and come home sunday and find the cupboards bare, and the remnants of a fancy dinner on the table. I asked "where are the groceries you bought friday"?

(no shit this is what she said)

"I used them up with my parents dinner tonight"......she had bought all the fixings for a standing rib roast, special organic potatos, salad etc etc etc and felt it was totally cool to serve all our groceries to her folks....

Never Compromised

Hiding from Screw Worm
Feb 1, 2006
I've been alone and had roommates. It all depends upon the roommate, the rules and the communication.

One roommate I had was a total disaster. Thought of cleaning or picking up as "woman's work", felt free to use the stereo, my music, my games, my computer etc as he felt fit. Never caught on when I had a "special friend over" that he should give some privacy. I would find my vcr had been reprogrammed to tape something he wanted, etc. This obviously did not work out.

On the other hand, I've had some great roommates. A buddy from university came to stay on the couch for "just a week or two" until he found a new place when he and his wife split. He ended up staying 7 years until he got engaged again. There was always beer in the fridge, and he brought his own TV for his room. For almost 5 years we walked to a local pup for dinner and beers once a week and talked about any annoyances or problems that had cropped up over the past week and gave a heads up about anything that might be happen the next week. We got a second fridge and each of us had a cupboard that was "owned", no raiding that cupboard by the other. Everything else was shared. Great system and it worked well.

I have been on my own for 4 or 5 years and recently offered the bedroom to someone that needed a "temporary" place. She is working out surprisingly well, and her boyfriend leaves money on the kitchen table for groceries every couple of weeks. Neither of them drink, so that is not an issue. She stays in her "cage" more than she uses the living room. My only real annoyance is that she does not knock before coming into my bedroom to ask me something. One of these days I'm damn sure I will be embarrassed.

On a general note, it is not a good idea to have sex with a roommate. Once you do, you could be found to be in a common law relationship and things could get nasty.

Having a roommate is not just for poor people, it is also for company. I sure as shit don't want to be found 2/3rds eaten by the cats after I have not been seen for 3 months!


Mar 26, 2009
The pros are you're never lonely and always have company. The cons are you have little to no privacy.

I personally would only live with a girl that I'm banging, otherwise I'd live on my own.


Active member
Nov 14, 2003
I would rather live in a cardboard box than have a roommate. It is hard enough to live with my wife and kids, who I love, anyone else would be a nightmare. Perhaps that's just me.
ditto... except that I don't have kids.

Have done the housemate thing.... didn't enjoy..... would not repeat... YMMV :)


Mar 25, 2006
I have done it twice. Both times were just to really help out a friend in the short term.

Make sure you set out the rules before they move in.

Both times I got very lucky, no major problems.
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