Living the Lie...

Has TERB made your life better

  • YES

    Votes: 8 42.1%
  • NO

    Votes: 4 21.1%
  • Same

    Votes: 1 5.3%
  • Didn't ever think about it....

    Votes: 6 31.6%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


Senior Retired User
Jan 16, 2004
retired from the game
Recently, while reading another thread on this board, I began to think of all the roles we play in our everyday life. I am of the opinion that each of us live at least one lie a day..

Some of us play the concerned father/husband and then go out and partake of SP's.. while our wife and children remain secure in their knowledge that we are working to provide them with a better life.

Others, claim to their family that they can't afford the luxuries of life because they don't have any money, but can soon pony up a few hundred bucks to "hobby".

Still others (like myself) jump on this board every chance we get and take part in the reality we call TERB, and would we ever admit it to our family, friends, or workmates.. no.. I think not.

The SP's live the hardest of life's lies, because they are someone's daughter, sister, mother, aunt or friend, and they can't share this anywhere but with a few close friends and the TERB world.

What is my point you ask.. just this.. until I came to TERB, I had no one to ever discuss my "lifestyle" with. We take this board and other boards like for granted, curse the modierators and flame the participants. This board has made my "lie" a little easier to bear, and I thank the people that created it and all the users who are here, to sometimes just listen.. and sometimes comment..



Never Been Justly Banned
Jan 10, 2002
I've Found

That while I started using TERB as a hobby tool (hanging out in the Toronto Escort section) I've ended up spending most of my time in the Lounge being a (small) part of the community. When I'm not on TERB for a couple of days I start to get he shakes (and fear that *d* has made some ridiculous post that needs correcting ;-)

This place rocks!



El Duderino
Mar 20, 2003
Running Amok
I don't even see SP's but I log onto TERB everyday to see what's going on in the lounge.

You guys are a good group of people, and I'm glad to know you, even if it's only on a computer screen.


P.S. I thought that was a great post, Ham...


pure evil
Aug 20, 2001
"I really didn't think any of this would work.... How could my life change by seducing women? Sorry, I doubted you. My life has changed. I am more successful and I've seduced 100's of women. You really are on too something. You should try to globalize your plan. All men deserve to know this information. Women have been taking advantage of us for far too long. “
Ashley Madison
Toronto Escorts