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Livestrong Wrist Bands


Mar 19, 2002
Anyone know where in TO one can get the yellow Livestrong "cancer" elastic wristbands? So that I can contribute some more to help find a cure for cancer? Hopefully in my lifetime...yes, i have lost a few loved ones to Cancer.


I know the Tsunami wristbands are available from 7-11s.
Where can I find the Breast Cancer bands?

ps...i editted my question and hopefully the thread wont be hi-jacked further.
did not think of the bicycle shops...will try them...i am from out of town...would i be able to find these wristbands in malls? for convinience.
take care everyone...thanks.
Last edited:


Dec 17, 2001
do an on line search for the lance armstrong band. unfortunately most will be resold on ebay, with no further donation to cancer research. i've also seen a pink breast cancer and other cool bands when i've searched the american sites.

i did see a red sick kids band for sale at over the rainbow on yorkville. the price was $5.


Oct 18, 2004
I will not make a smart ass comment about the goal that these wristbands are trying to achieve as we need to help find a cure for ALL cancers,but Lance Armstrong-does his wristband come with EPO & other drug masking agents so he cheat at winning bike races


Feb 13, 2004
unshavencuban said:
I will not make a smart ass comment about the goal that these wristbands are trying to achieve as we need to help find a cure for ALL cancers,but Lance Armstrong-does his wristband come with EPO & other drug masking agents so he cheat at winning bike races
tut,'s only cheating if he has an unfair advantage imho. I'm no big fan of Lance Armstrong (other than the fact he came back from testicular cancer which I assume was not a breeze) but aside from the drugs (especially EPO which is one of the most dangerous performance enhancers out there) Lance Armstrong is the perfect cycling machine. Just as Ben Johnson was the perfect sprinting machine, and Alexander Karelin the perfect wrestling machine. Sure they were all using drugs, but so were there competitors. These athletes all win because of there talent which is superior to others.

I know, I know, drugs are wrong and its setting a bad example for the kids.


Hail to the king, baby.
Dec 18, 2001
Spode said:
tut,'s only cheating if he has an unfair advantage imho. I'm no big fan of Lance Armstrong (other than the fact he came back from testicular cancer which I assume was not a breeze) but aside from the drugs (especially EPO which is one of the most dangerous performance enhancers out there) Lance Armstrong is the perfect cycling machine. Just as Ben Johnson was the perfect sprinting machine, and Alexander Karelin the perfect wrestling machine. Sure they were all using drugs, but so were there competitors. These athletes all win because of there talent which is superior to others.
Where is the proof Lance is using drugs. If were using EPO, his hematocrit should be jacked up (primary benefit). The guy is one of the most tested athletes on the planet... and nothing positive. I think the primary difference is cycling actually tests. Compare to North Americain sports where they simply ignore the problem.

If Lance is on something.. it would have to be pretty sophisticated to go untested this long. It is well known he works harder than pretty much anyone... and he has pretty much tested off the charts since 16 (winning at tris etc... I think Johnson was never a contender til he hit the juice.. and then fell just as fast). Hard work seldom makes headlines like drugs though.

Just as watching Merckx in his heyday was a great thing... I am sure we will be telling people about watching the 6 (7?) time winner of the tdf...

Now to get things back on track... do not see why you cannot still order here... buy 10.. hand em out to friends.. and ride hard...


Feb 13, 2004
Garrett said:
Where is the proof Lance is using drugs. If were using EPO, his hematocrit should be jacked up (primary benefit). The guy is one of the most tested athletes on the planet... and nothing positive. I think the primary difference is cycling actually tests. Compare to North Americain sports where they simply ignore the problem.
I agree with you on the proof thing. But I am sure your aware that if you have the proper infrastructure and backing, you can easily sidestep the tests. While the IOC drug lab is developing new ways to catch cheaters, the cheaters are developing ways to avoid detection. Pretty much all sports that are part of the olympics have the same testing protocals except for nuances what they look for depending on the sport.

As for Ben Johnson not being a contender until he did juice, I would agree but also disagree. He came to prominence in OFSSA's (High school meet) where at the time he was being trained by Charlie Francis. His power and raw speed were indentified back then as being quite freakish for such a young kid, however his technique was a mess. 1984 olympics were arguably his breakout on the world stage with the bronze.

The thing that I have to ultimately disagree with you on is the fact that where Ben Johnson took the record and could have taken it (charlie estimates in the low 9.6's) means he was decades ahead of the pack. Was he doing things that others weren't. Absolutely not. Look at Tim Montgomery. Went from bean-pole to world's greatest sprinter finally beating the 9.79 of johnson's from Seoul (which BTW was completed with arm raised at the 93 m adding an estimated 0.08 seconds to his time) back in 2004, 16 years later. I can say honestly say that other than Kim Collins there aren't any clean sprinters in the finals of any major final.


Mar 19, 2002

Since the thread got side tracked, i thought I better edit the question.
thanks for your responses...


Feb 13, 2004
oldnwrinkled said:
Since the thread got side tracked, i thought I better edit the question.
thanks for your responses...
Sorry OnW. I have a big mouth when it comes to these things and I just can't help myself. I promise no more. As well I have about 200 of these wristbands in the desk at my office. I;ve given out all that I'm going to give so pm if you want some.


Well-known member
Feb 4, 2003
Go to lance armstrongs livestrong homepage.

You can order them there, the only thing is you get them in packs of 10. I want to say that it will run you about $2 per band so a total of $20 plus shipping and handling. It's not a lot of money and you can recoupe some losses by selling the extra 9 bands to people you know. I just hope no one tries to profit from these on their own.


Active member
May 18, 2003
Am I the only one that finds Nike charity fashion that amounts to a $2 donation kind of sad?

I've seen guys smoking wearing these things.


Go Ahead Make My Day
Aug 2, 2004
I had to order mine from the internet. I cant find one store in the GTA that has the live Strong wrist bands. Only place i saw them being sold was the Nike Factory store in Orlando Florida on International Drive. but i doubt that anyone is going there anytime soon.

The Doctor

Still Without Humour
Jun 2, 2003
1060 West Addision
Try Gears Cycling Shop on the corner of Lakeshore Road and Mississauga Road. I know they do a lot of work with the Foundation.
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