Toronto Escorts

Lisa - Ottawa Sun


New member
Jan 19, 2004
Had the urge today and took a risk on an Ottawa Sun ad. Once again a BIG mistake.

The ad reads:

Very Attractive
Very Clean and Discreet

I can testify that everything in her ad is true, but that's about it.

All she would give me was an average CBJ. Said it was her "time of the month" and FS was not possible. She went on to tell me she was surprised that I was lasting as long as I did. She then said that 90% of the guys she sees don't last longer than 2 minutes with her CBJ. Said she hardly ever does FS cuz most guys cum quickly with her CBJ.

What a load of bullshit!!

The only women I've met in Ottawa recently that are worth seeing are:

- Monique on EC (reviewed on this board many times )
- Chez Nicole on EC (reviewed on this board many times)
- Karyssa in Gatineau (reviewed on this board many times)
- ladies that visit from Montreal

There may be others out there. I always TRY to remain optimistic.

Paul Mott

Senior Member
Jan 25, 2004
Eric - is she just off Carling, east of the Ottawa River Parkway in a highrise near Capone's restaurant. Previously she was next to Walmart at Lincoln Fields. If so I saw her several years ago and I agree that she gives uninspired service. I think she had a different name then and had strawberry blonde hair


New member
Jan 19, 2004
Paul Mott,

I think you're correct. I thought she looked familiar. I believe I also saw her previously at Lincoln Fields, a few years back. Tall blonde.

She's on Greenbank now.


Lolipop Deliver-er
Jan 15, 2004
The Candyshop
If this blonde was studying to be a veterinary assistant by correspondance when living at Lincoln Fields, then I also saw her. (Beginning to sound like April...)

Funny story about her was, when about to move to fs, and she was asked for cowgirl, she said she only did doggie because she was engaged and in case her fiance walked in on us, she didn't want it to appear that she was initiating or enjoying herself??? Oh, and make sure you pullout before you cum???

Needless to say - didn't repeat.


New member
Sep 4, 2003

Good thing I read the things people write. She called me a few weeks back and I wasn't sure if it was the same girl you guys were talking about. Eventough she is a tall blong from a highrise near that restaurant it's the vet thing it rang a bell. I now know that is she calls again I will not be hiring. Thanks rider55. Your the best.
Kisses Tracey...
Aug 31, 2004
In the Ring
Tracey, not sure what the other members of TERB think but you don't come off sounding very professional and nice to do business with when you take the opportunity to slam an SP and discourage seeing her. Couldn't you simply take note and not hire her. What are you accomplishing by slamming her publicly other than encouraging people to call your agency instead ? - it comes off as sour grapes and unfair. My two cents.


New member
Jan 17, 2005
my opinion

I think Tracey was indirectly suggesting the perspective that she (Tracey) has some standards she wishes to maintain with her agency AND emphasizing that she's serious about customer satisfaction.

Remember - Eric_TL called the SP, who did not have the courtesy to indicate the menu was limited for reasons of nature and only indicated such when the customer was there and likely already paid for the session.

The customer got ripped off!

SPs can be discrete and still provide information on the phone, provide good SAFE service, ensuring repeat customers, however withholding info, providing poor service and expecting to maintain customers will result in zero business.

Not trying to be difficult but this is the type of thing that board members want to read in order to know who to avoid.

I don't know Tracey and never used her agency, but I appreciated Eric_TL's review and found it refreshing to hear a woman's perspective on the post. ;)
Aug 31, 2004
In the Ring
It just comes off as kicking someone when they're already down. I understand your view that she may have been trying to highlight her hiring practises but my overriding sense was that she was taking the opportunity to put the SP down when she should just let members decide on their own, without her editorializing.


ricflairjuniour said:
It just comes off as kicking someone when they're already down. I understand your view that she may have been trying to highlight her hiring practises but my overriding sense was that she was taking the opportunity to put the SP down when she should just let members decide on their own, without her editorializing.
Is that not all reviewers are doing? Editorializing that is?


Whatever member...
Mar 6, 2004
Come on Rick! :confused: Tracey isn't slamming Lisa! She would be doing so if she would start bashing the girl or adding bad comments. READ and do not use your own point of view as a filter enabling you to understand what you want, just read and understand what's written there for what it is. There's a limit to reading between the lines!

Tracey is a Madame, we're Johns. If an SP is no good for Johns, she's no good to Madames either because Madames wants their SP to be good to Johns. If we take your reasonning to the letter, when one of us reply " Thanks man, without you I would have gone with that SP and lost my money" then, we'd be slamming the girl also? Should we take note and not mention anything?

Tracey did not encourage anybody to call her agency instead of Lisa. All Tracey's doing is stating she got a call from Lisa looking to get hired and she didn't hire her and now, reading the review here, she's just saying she's happy she didn't and now, reading this review, she will definetly not hire her in the future either.

Personally, I'm happy to see Tracey taking some hints from the board as far as who we like or not. As much as I would be earing from anybody else giving me a heads-up on anybody else. Tracey happens to be cathering to our needs but her comment was totally neutral, without direct advertising so, no problems. She would have say "Come to me instead" and it would have been different. Even then, I would not even be offended, only slightly ticked, unless she slammed Lisa in telling us to see her agency instead.
Aug 31, 2004
In the Ring
It's still an oblique slam. Her statement glad I didn't hire her implied, stay away from her, she's a loser, my girls are better. You can't compare comments from a customer to comments coming from a competitor. Maybe you're not able to distinguish; I think most people can.


Whatever member...
Mar 6, 2004
Now slams can be oblique! Soon it will be on the rebound, after it hit the post, preceeded by an assist from "Number 69..."...
As I said, thru your filters it can say whatever you want. It's your opinion and you're entitled to it.
With your filters, Tracey's message probably means Tracey think Lisa is a bitch who's dirty, doesn't look good and smell bad and anybody who uses Lisa instead of Tracey's agency is a moron (color and italics courtesy of RFJ's filter effect...)
What goes on inside your head is yours. Your opinion, not mine, and I'm happy about it! :D
Aug 31, 2004
In the Ring
I never implied Tracey was critical of her, to that degree. The words were yours, not mine. You certainly are different. It's just rare that an agency takes the opportunity to come on here and slams an SP after a bad review by saying phew, I'm glad I didn't hire HER. Obviously the point was lost on you.

There is room for everyone in this business. Let service and professionalism speak for itself. No need for low-blows.


New member
Sep 4, 2003

I think you misunderstood what I was trying to say. But metoo4 pretty much took the words right out of my mouth. Also do you not remember of what Miyuko did to me. I felt so stupid I was standing up for her because I believed her. In my eyes I try to make everyone happy. Because girls are always easy to come by but clients are sometimes hard to keep. I try to be fair if the client calls and has a complaint I will try to resolve the matter. It has happened that I have had to send girls for free to clients, I had to pay the girls out of my own poket. Hey it's business, if I don't bend sometimes then I wouldn't still be here.
Just my 2 cents...


Aug 13, 2004
Lisa - con artist

Back to the Review please.

Same thing for me back in Sept. 2003. It was off Greenbank on Draper, so she hasn't moved since then. Same lame excuse. If you believe her then I got some swamp land for you to buy in Florida. I have seen her ad almost continuously in the Sun - so I guess she continues to get suckers to pay for FS and only get CBJ.
Toronto Escorts