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Lets go!
Jul 19, 2006
I had what is by far my very best ever MP/SP visit two nights ago. I took an outcall massage and when I opened the door, there was Linda. A spectacularly beautiful Chinese young woman (about 23 years old), slim, with medium sized breasts and long flowing black hair. Just a little bit tall, but not very tall. A demure smile. A lovely accent when she speaks. A cute little butt. Most would call her a spinner but that term does not do her beautiful slim and well toned body and how she carries it the justice it deserves. Linda arrived dressed very professionally and discretely.

We started with an amazing oil massage. From forehead to ankles. 30 or more minutes worth. Turns out that Linda is a trained masseuse and knows how to use her hands. All professional but towards the end, a bit of a tease. Then she very discretely let on that she offers other services that she called "love making". We had a short price discussion. With that our of the way, Linda really let go. First, her clothes slowly came off in a teasing fashion. She let me undress her but knew just how to tease me while letting me do it. Her nipples were amazing and responsive and felt great under my tongue. What a great kisser she was, with full open mouth, as good as it gets. She seemed shy when I approached the warm and soft Y between her legs, but eventually let me go there too. Her BBBJ was outstanding. All these things are activities that others provide, so the list was not the thing that got to me. It was how she did it, the sounds, the wriggling, the tease, all at just the right amounts and times, the moaning (I am sure it was fake but it was spectacularly done). She even slid on the cover at the right time in such a discrete manner, that I was wondering once inside her, if she had put it on or if we were bareback. In the 90 minute session we had (extended to 2 hours at no extra charge and no clock watching) she had me going for 3 SOGs. I am not a youngster any more so even 2 SOGs is a rare event but she had me so worked up that 3 was real easy. If I didn't have to get up early the next morning, who knows, but I felt that I might be able to do more (ha ha, likely not but it felt that I could). When all was over we cuddled for a good while and showered together too. Then we cuddled and kissed some more. I have to say that this is the best SP experience I have ever had, and by a long long shot. Just amazing and so far ahead of what I have previously ever experienced, that I am still thinking of this 48 hours later. All this time (2 hours) of excited involvement and the total cost was just 400 gold pieces.

Would I repeat? Of course except for one small but essential detail. Linda lives and works in Taipei (Taiwan) and that is where this experience happened. With my trip now over, I am on my way back to Ottawa right now. I am at the airport waiting for my flight.

So why am I teasing Terb readers with this story? Only to point out that it is a big wide world out there and that there are many many levels and types of SP service. We have some good SPs in our fair city, no doubt about that. But we should all know that we have rather few rare and precious gems of the likes of Linda. Due to our size and other factors, the opportunities to sample true delicacies are something that does not happen often in our city. When we find the real outstanding ones, we should all be sure to write about our experiences so that others may share the joy. This is my way of encouraging everyone to keep the contributions and reviews flowing!


Sep 22, 2009
Amazing post! I literally cursed when I saw she's located in Taipei! Totally agree with your sentiments about needing to sample outside of our home territory for added fun and perspective.


Isn't $400/2 hr expensive for Taiwan? I was lead to beleive that sex was less expensive there. Then again, you get what you pay for and that seemed to be a stellar experience. Way to go Hotchilly, good on you!
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