funny - chrysler just started offering longer warrantees, and making a big fuss about it, cuz their cars have such a shitty reputation. GM has been trumpeting how their cars have improved so much that they outrank Nissan - but mind you, Nissan has been having problems of late, with the altima and a few others.
SAAB, owned by GM, has a great reputation - but shitty resale values. the Pontiac Vibe is a thinly disguied Toyota Matrix - it should be okay. The Tracker is a Suzuki, but it has a bad reputation despite the Japanese connection. Many future GMs will have Honda engines, by the way.
Personally, your best bet is a Honda or Toyota product - both are reliable and have excellent resale values.
When buying a car - I suggesst relying on three sources - the APA to get an angle on things particlular to Canada (i.e., LemonAid - but membership has advantages too), secondly, Consumer Reports (NOT Consumer Guide, which is a pale imitation) for their approach is about as objective and scientific as possible, and finally the varous enthusiast magazines (Car & Driver, Road & Track, Automobile and Motor Trend) to get an idea of how fun and satisfying a car is, and the level of performance.
JD Power is also a good and reliable source of info.
If you look at the Consumer reports owner surveys, Toyota, Honda and Subaru (almost forgot about them) are tops.... US makes tend to do poorly, but have improved.