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LE Hotel Sweeps?


Indy reviewer
May 15, 2003
I was talking with an SP a short while ago, and she mentioned a collegue was almost busted by LE at a local hotel.

Second thing I heard about a hotel LE sweep was from the 1st post in this thread:

I haven`t heard about any busts or sweeps like this. I think the cops are more into street level stuff....but what the hell do I know?
Anyone else heard of some LE activity in hotels?


New member
May 19, 2011
Interesting the way the laws are in flux in Ottawa, I figured you would be safer in a decent hotel. I figured in-calls at a known place would be more dangerous with the whole Baudy house law. Personally I stay in a nice hotel and only do out-calls.


New member
Nov 7, 2008
Given the warnings in Ottawa about a serial killer who is targeting street prostitutes you would think LE would lay off and make Ottawa safer for working women, not even more dangerous.


LE is usually only involved when there is a complaint of some kind.

Pink Kitty Escorts

New member
Dec 30, 2009
LE is usually only involved when there is a complaint of some kind.
I would say that is a very fair assumtion. From what I understand that is just the case.

Guys you have to realize that many of these ladies are not overly discreet, many times they have friends that visit them while working and not all of their friends are discreet either.

If ladies are smoking in non smoking rooms, smoking weed, drinking heavily and walking around lobbies drunk. (sometimes with beer bottles in their hands). Have guys over that are known to the hotels as trouble makers. This all raises red flags and will cause the hotels to react and call the police. Most of the time, from what I have heard through the grapevine, is that the police are called in for these reasons and to remove ppl. Hotels usually don't want to get involved in that part of things.

The reality is, if things are kept low key and discreet, the risk of any issues with LE are minimal at best.
Aug 1, 2006
I would say that is a very fair assumtion. From what I understand that is just the case.

Guys you have to realize that many of these ladies are not overly discreet, many times they have friends that visit them while working and not all of their friends are discreet either.

If ladies are smoking in non smoking rooms, smoking weed, drinking heavily and walking around lobbies drunk. (sometimes with beer bottles in their hands). Have guys over that are known to the hotels as trouble makers. This all raises red flags and will cause the hotels to react and call the police. Most of the time, from what I have heard through the grapevine, is that the police are called in for these reasons and to remove ppl. Hotels usually don't want to get involved in that part of things.

The reality is, if things are kept low key and discreet, the risk of any issues with LE are minimal at best.
I agree...



$ Talks Bullshit Walks
Nov 27, 2002
Isn't there a clear and present danger of any agency incall location getting busted by LE also? I mean the apartments and condos agencies use are like revolving doors, with hundreds of strangers through them a month. This is what would keep people leery of the legality out of incall locations no? As we're not talking a fine, we're talking a criminal charge and an arrest. Try explaining that to a future employer, family on a trip across the border, etc...

Frankly, I think they really need to legalize it. Stupid not to, and yea.. tax it.

Pink Kitty Escorts

New member
Dec 30, 2009
Again, I would say the clear and present danger is technically always there. That said, for practical purposes it really hasn't been overly enforced in Ottawa unless there was a nuicance based report. When was the last time you hear of an incall place being busted and ppl charged? If you keep things clean, IE no drugs, no underage, no loud parties and no gang affiliations its Highly unlikely that you will have a problem. Especially considering the decision before the courts to uphold the ruling from the Ontario superior court judge. If the ruling is upheld, the core of the illegal part of the industry will be removed. Ie Keeping of a common bawdy house, Solicitation and living off the avails. So to spend money on resources to have the case dropped would not be fruitful.

Truly I don't believe its a part of the agenda for the police at this time. What I will say is this, if an SP is complaining about LE giving them a hard time, perhaps a second look at the SP might be in order. Maybe the reason that the SP has issues is because they have brought the problem on themselves.
I am gonna tap in here LE is concerned imho of finding the serial killer in Ottawa atm
Apr 10, 2008
I am gonna tap in here LE is concerned imho of finding the serial killer in Ottawa atm
Yes they are probs looking/finding this serial killer,but not may have anything to do with in call Hotel sweep, as PK said above some party animals IMHO. To make matters worse some asshole grabs a young lady (18??) at Iris street Bus station past Saturday night at knife point and makes an attempt to sexual assault her, by taking her into the woods. She escaped thank god, but this is the type of shit that makes you wonder about some dudes out there....there is some sick puppies out there unfortunately.

Pink Kitty Escorts

New member
Dec 30, 2009
Police have shown alot of compassion towards escorts in the last while, and are much more interested in violence against them than "catching a client". Lets face it, if that was their intention it would be like shooting fish in a barrel. They could round everybody up, but what purpose would that serve? And in the public eye, I don't see it being looked favourably when there are much much bigger fish to catch. Personally a respectful relationship with the police, with open communication and some tolerance on both sides would make the situation better for everyone involved. I believe this is the direction that things are going.


$ Talks Bullshit Walks
Nov 27, 2002
Don't they regularly raid massage parlors and charge the clients? That's the bit that's of concern. Do similar busts not happen at incall locations?


Don't they regularly raid massage parlors and charge the clients? That's the bit that's of concern. Do similar busts not happen at incall locations?
Never heard of one at an SP incall, doesn't prove it can't happen, just that it is rare if at all. Yes, AMPs happen now and then under the guise of immigration checks.

Pink Kitty Escorts

New member
Dec 30, 2009
When its border services that are involved, it's legit that they are looking for that. Other MPs haven't had the same issues right? The title of the post was LE Hotel Sweeps? I think that it is a bit of fear mongering, so far I have only heard of LE getting involved in kicking out rowdy ppl. There have been no arrests as far as I have heard. And we all would have heard about it as it would be on page 3 of the Ottawa Sun if there were.. lol
What I am saying is the police only have so much man power so unless it is a hotel complaint driven situation police are more focused on finding a serial killer....hope I am making sense :) LE enforcement is not interested in doing SWEEPS at hotels as they have better things to do imho. As you can see in the news LE is focused more on keeping SP's safe which is great to see!


$ Talks Bullshit Walks
Nov 27, 2002
Yes, hotels seem a bit more unlikely.. though what about incall locations like asian places.. they rent condos and run them out of there. Didn't one of the asian incall places have some trouble awhile back?

Pink Kitty Escorts

New member
Dec 30, 2009
Again, this is talking about ASIAN places.. Which have some different elements to it. Immigration and human trafficking, its not about bawdy house or living off the avails.. at least not primarily.. Those charges are afterthoughts, its all about border services, and RCMP involvement. By no means is this meant to asian lovers, but thats the deal with whats goin on.

Again, if police are called in for agressive behavior towards an escort, they do take that quite seriously. Especially in light of what they are trying to accomplish with opening channels of communication with the ladies.


Yes, hotels seem a bit more unlikely.. though what about incall locations like asian places.. they rent condos and run them out of there. Didn't one of the asian incall places have some trouble awhile back?
That asian incall place also ran ads as AMP, if I'm thinking of the same one you refer to. And that one wasn't in a condo, not that the location matters. If you are an MP openly advertising SP services you're just asking for trouble IMO
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