The Porn Dude

LCBO strike - staff bitching about too much work....

Feb 21, 2007
I was in the LCBO yesterday, stocking up, and I asked one of the staff if they had any more of a certain brand of wine the wife likes in the back. He gets all pissed off, but checks anyway, and tells me there's none left.

Which is ok, but then he starts bitching to me about how busy they've been since yesterday morning, and how they can't keep the shelves stocked, and people are hoarding.

When I said "well, when you guys threaten a strike a week before a stat holiday, and people starting their vacations, what do you expect?" He seemed to think "the public/we" should have waited till they do go on strike, and then have to go through their picket lines, and overwhelm the non-unionized management, instead of stocking up before hand.

Where do these union types get this sense of entitlement?:mad:


Well-known member
Jan 19, 2005
poonhunter said:
There are many lazy non-unionized workers too. :D
But they are not organized, do not publicly whine about they feel they are entitled to and do not disrupt the lives of their employers (in this case the TAXPAYERS) as a blackmail tactic


New member
Feb 13, 2009
Fire all their stupid asses, and run ads in the newspaper to hire new people. I am sure there would be a lineup out the door to make what these fuckers are already making.


Active member
Feb 24, 2008
Let's do the math. The casual earns about $20,000 per year on average. $20,000 / 52 wks / 20 hrs per wk = $19 per hr, which includes benefits because they are part of a union. While full-time get between $8 to $14 more than part-timers.

Part-time: $19 per hr including benefits and part of a union.
Full-time: $27-$33 per hr including benefits and part of a union.

Must be tough working for the LCBO, I could never work in these conditions. :rolleyes: Give me a break.

L.C.B.O. SALARY DISCLOSURE 2006 : Looks like the managers are struggling to make ends meat too. No wonder Liquor is as expensive as it is, they have to pay these salaries.

I'm in the wrong field, I need to find a job in the LCBO.


Well-known member
Jan 19, 2005
iamme said:
I dunno ....... maybe from those CEO's of the big companies giving themselves big bonuses ???? :rolleyes:

That has absolutely nothing to do with a strike by a Public Union
They work for the TAXPAYER not a corporation


New member
Nov 7, 2008
Globalization is spelling the end of high paying, high benefit manufacturing jobs due to a single reality called 'competition'. The last bastion of over-paid union positions are public sector services (transit drivers, LCBO, teachers and so on).

There probably isn't anything we can do as the government is too afraid to face up the unions so get ready to suck it up. We got taken by the transit union here in Ottawa big time.

Mr. Lucky

♫♫$$ ♥
Apr 19, 2006
The union representing workers from Ontario liquor stores has extended its strike
deadline, saying it will stay at the table until one or both parties stops bargaining.

The two sides were still in talks late Tuesday night. The union's previous strike deadline
was 12:01 a.m. Wednesday, but union leaders say employees will be going to work in the morning.


New member
Jul 29, 2002
Above 7
iamme said:
I dunno ....... maybe from those CEO's of the big companies giving themselves big bonuses ????
Idiotic as usual. As opposed to whom? Atheletes or Liberal Ad agency owners? Your sense of resentment against those that have worked hard to achieve something is showing through yet again. :rolleyes:
JohnLarue said:
Two wrongs make it right to bleed their employer (TAXPAYERS) with a ridiculous sick day demands / policy ???
Absolutely not... I was merely pointing out the utter ridiculousness (is that a word?) of the entire situation, and iamme's previous post blaming CEO's of the big companies giving themselves big bonuses...


Active member
Jun 5, 2009
Sorry about the rant. I was very busy that day.
poonhunter said:
It's times like these i support the Regan politics FIRE THEM ALL, referring to the mass firing of the traffic controllers and those guys were highly trained and tough to replace as they thought
Totally agree... But then I pretty much always feel that way when I hear stories like this, or the CUPE workers or the auto workers, or TTC or any other so called "union" going on strike. (Yes, you could say I'm not a fan of unions...)
Sep 8, 2003
Away from here.
OutForFun said:
Globalization is spelling the end of high paying, high benefit manufacturing jobs due to a single reality called 'competition'. The last bastion of over-paid union positions are public sector services (transit drivers, LCBO, teachers and so on).
Hello! I'm sick of these fucking thugs who are so tough but can't seem to be tough enough to actually function in the free market like all the rest of us. The reason there's so much acrimony is because the unions are operating in a bubble that most of us don't have. Some guy was on the news yesterday blubbering about his mortgage and I thought to myself "oh boy, you'll have to retrain yourself and get a new job like the rest of the world!". Cheers motherfucker!

These unions just breed the worst sense of laziness and entitlement. No wonder the picket lines are so defensive. They know they should all be fired.

I've had so much bullshit from employees at the LCBO. Fuckers complain if you ask them to do something for you.


New member
Nov 20, 2006
lol!!! you cannot fire them they are in a legal strike position after all the LCBO is making 5 million a day profit, I'm sure we don't need more part time employees anywhere.


Lost IN the Shwa
Aug 20, 2001
I used to be in a union, and was a steward. However, it was a private sector union, and the first rule we followed was "don't choke the golden goose" that we never made a demand that we figured the company couldn't handle. In the case of the LCBO, this is a public sector union, and their attitude is "Screw them, they have the money" usually...but on this negotiation, it seems it is over part timers coming in who wouldn't be covered under the union for benefits and would eventually cause layoffs of full time staff. Although I think these guys are overpaid, I do get where they are going with this and understood it.

Should we dump the LCBO? Well it makes a shit load of money for the province, even paying what they do for the staff. Go figure.....

I don't like it, but I do admit I would work there happily for the money they make...


New member
Nov 20, 2006
wages my union just got me 4% for the fisrt year 3.5 for 2nd year and 3.5 for the 3rd year not bad for being unionized.
Toronto Escorts