Layton wants to make a deal


New member
Feb 28, 2007
jack layton would sell your soul for the semblance of power, and he was well aware of the tory policy, that negotiations happen before the budget, he is presently trying to set the stage so that he can appear a moderate.

As far as the deal costing less than the election , he is correct as far as money goes right now. Make this deal and the Dane will never give up his geld

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Slightly Swollen Member
Sep 13, 2005
jack layton would sell your soul for the semblance of power, and he was well aware of the tory policy, that negotiations happen before the budget, he is presently trying to set the stage so that he can appear a moderate.

As far as the deal costing less than the election , he is correct as far as money goes right now. Make this deal and the Dane will never give up his geld
It was thinking like that, and unilateral '1/6 of a loafism' that got us this election. Be careful with Dipper dignity... We actually have some. :)


New member
Jan 19, 2006
According to the latest poll I saw, if the election were to be held tomorrow the COP would have a majority.

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Slightly Swollen Member
Sep 13, 2005
someofyou have , Thomas Mulcaire is an example Jack LAyton not so much actually not at all
Party members and general polling would seem to disagree. Partywise the federal NDP is in the best shape it's been in in a long time. A lot of that is a credit to Layton's leadership. He's been a good 'rebuild and consolidate' leader. He killed the Liberal Lite mentality of the 90s and prevented another 'Waffle' or 'NPI' factional war, and the party has prospered for it. The 'Iggy Libs' don't really offer much of a threat as few NDPers view them as more than soft social left and centre-right (neoliberal) on economics. Which is a non-starter for for most left - left voters. A threat on the left would be a Liberal Party lead by Gerard Kennedy, or any other 'liberal Liberal' that isn't former NDP.

As far as Layton having 'no dignity', sheesh, if that were the case he'd of taken the '1/6 of a loaf', and piled on Iggy for agreeing and getting nothing out of it, and disagreeing and getting nothing out of it. (As the Liberals have managed to do for the last half decade.) That would have given us a 2% (or so) bump in the polls for kicking Iggy after a Conservative barrage, and he could have rested up and saved his powder for what would likely be his last campaign at some point down the road. (All of the current leaders are probably on their last campaign, save Iggy if he does well, which may actually be easier than thought if he preforms better that a corpse. Or Harper if he gets a majority.)

Though if TM holds his seat (not a given), and we pick up one or two more in the Montreal area (not a given), there's a good chance he'd win a leadership race at some point in the future.


Well-known member
May 14, 2008
jack layton would sell your soul for the semblance of power, and he was well aware of the tory policy, that negotiations happen before the budget, he is presently trying to set the stage so that he can appear a moderate.

As far as the deal costing less than the election , he is correct as far as money goes right now. Make this deal and the Dane will never give up his geld
Yeah and what would Harper do to stay in power ... lol.


CanBarelyRe Member
Aug 18, 2001
jack layton would sell your soul for the semblance of power, and he was well aware of the tory policy, that negotiations happen before the budget, he is presently trying to set the stage so that he can appear a moderate.

As far as the deal costing less than the election , he is correct as far as money goes right now. Make this deal and the Dane will never give up his geld
Have to agree. Jimbo and Harpo set their rules, and failed to find any support before they slapped their take it or leave it budget on the table. That time for deals passed*, and now they'll have to live with it. Jacko's just pointing it out, knowing he can't lose if they get sensible, and hoping he'll do better than last time with the voters.

On the basis of polls predicting a similar minority outcome, you'd have to ask yourself why a guy like Harpo is such a slow learner. He must really believe the pissant stuff his minority's managed to weasel through by arm-twisting is more and better than he could manage by getting agreement.

Whether he's right or wrong, it's very sad for Canada's democracy.

*Of course it's absurd to say the Budget could only be altered by negociation ahead of time, never mind that Jimbo denied the possibility saying, "…it's a budget not a collective bargaining". If that was the case Beauchesne wouldn't be full of rules for amending such things. As PM Harpo gets to make the rules, and he made 'em to get the election he wanted. Almost a billion bucks worth now, and if its just a repeat of the last…. A total waste.

Possum Trot

New member
Dec 7, 2009
Layton is just trying to play hardball with Iggy by making it sound as if he has an option about who to sleep with. If there is an election either the Libs take seats from the NDP or the Coalition gets revived. Either way Layton's influence is reduced unless he picks the right bed.

Old Jones comments are hilarious BTW.
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