Ladies... Your Walk Reveals How You Orgasm


Active member
Feb 25, 2003
Luv Natural Redheads
Fact or fiction? :p

Study says scientists can predict vaginal orgasms by watching you walk

Remember that junior high rumor that guys could tell if you were a virgin by the way you walked? Well it's true! Sort of.

A new study published in the Journal of Sexual Medicine claims that trained sexologists can tell if a woman has vaginal orgasms—that is, a gal who can come by intercourse not accompanied by clit stimulation—by the way she walks.

Researchers in Belgium observed women walking on the street, half of whom were vaginally orgasmic and half of whom weren't, and the two sex scientists guessed correctly over 80% of the time. The study abstract says that, "the discerning observer may infer women's experience of vaginal orgasm from a gait that comprises fluidity, energy, sensuality, freedom, and absence of both flaccid and locked muscles." We're guessing that Joan Holloway has some pretty awesome vaginal climaxes.

The study sample was small, only 16 women, but it's still an interesting finding with implications about how doctors might treat anorgasmic women. Science Daily says that the finding helps prove that movement therapy, breathing techniques and training in muscle patterns could help women who can't come.


Persian Lover
Dec 6, 2005
I'll have the ladies parade in the room first before my visits, will let you know if it's fact or fiction. ;)
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