Ladies would you marry for money?Guys would you marry if she mostly just wants money?

Ladies would you marry for money? Guys would you marry if she most just wants money?

  • I am female... YES I would.

    Votes: 3 9.1%
  • I am female... No I would not.

    Votes: 2 6.1%
  • I am male... Yes I would.

    Votes: 6 18.2%
  • I am male... No I would not.

    Votes: 22 66.7%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


New member
Aug 22, 2001
Downtown Toronto
Reading another thread has triggered some thoughts regarding marriage:

Just curious to hear some opinions, ideas, thoughts or experiences regarding a certain conversation I had recently with a LF of mine.

I have a very stunning beautiful LF whom I am good friends with. I am 48 y/o she 27. A couple weeks ago we were sitting around yaking at a local watering hole in The Annex. Every week I go into a lottery pool there for 6/49 with owner of bar and couple other people. My LF does not take part. This one week we were all yaking chit talk what we would do if win $10Million$. My lady friend says she would marry me in a second if I win $10million$ (shared by 4 people, I would only get $2.5 mill$). I thought the whole conversation was just in jest. Later I find out she is really serious and she wants to know an honest answer... if I was to win a couple million $$$ and she offered would I marry her. As much as I love her as a friend (our relationship is affectionate but 99% plutonic) and she is stunning beautiful my immediate thought was no way. I did not want to tell her that though... so I told her I would have to think about it. Said if I ever win lottery I would disappear instantly and noooooobody would be able to find me for at least a couple weeks maybe a couple months. (Unless your a dancer at Sundowner or Seductions in NF, lol) While I think that may have hurt her feelings a bit... was as honest as I could be. Just wanted to get some thoughts though... (More out of curiosity then anything) ladies would you marry an average cute looking decent kind of guy allmost double your age if he was multi-millionaire... more for the money then love though. Guys... if you were or suddenly became a multi-millionaire and an exotic looking very pretty w/very nice body spoiled brat type almost 1/2 your age offered to marry you... mostly for money rather then love though... would you?

P.S. No I did not win and my answer is still no. lol.
P.S.S. If I do win any SPs want to come down to NF with me and spend hours and hours getting as much miliage as possible from dancers at Suductions & Sundowner? lmao.
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wet and waiting

New member
Jan 6, 2003
East York (Coxwell and Danforth)
Historically weddings were more a business merger between families than a matter of love. They still are in some parts of the world. It was also common for partners to fool around on the side.

But could I marry just for money? I guess the answer to that can differ with the age of the couple. Does an 80 year old billionaire marry for love or money? And did the old boy care that Anna Nicole was after his bank account? I doubt it. He was just happy to have a sexy woman beside him and didn't care where his money was going anymore. Should a 20 year old pair of friends marry just for money without sexual chemistry? They'll be playing around in months. But take that same couple in their 60s and maybe the chemistry doesn't matter so much as the companionship. And having money to spend as you retire and travel certainly can't hurt any.


New member
Aug 22, 2001
Downtown Toronto
My LF and me are 'close' in the sense that I do care about her and believe she cares about me. We have been friends for a little over two years. So there are 'some' 'feelings' involved... that's why I said 'mostly' just for money. I am a possessive type guy though when it comes to couple relationships. (Although not as insane as I use to be yrs ago) If it was 'mostly' for money or not there is no way I would put up with 'fooling around'.

Interesting concepts and thoughts though about age differences W&W. I mean when I am 65... she will be 44. At 44 lots of women are still very active sexually. How many guys 65 could keep up?

Also when I was 39 I had a GF who was 21. She was also very beautiful. She was a dancer at Pigale. So for you all out there who know Pigale that will tell you everything... as far as looks go. True enough though part of what I enjoyed about being with her is walking into any venue with her on my arm. In this particular case though the relationship we had was nothing to do with money. She made way more money then me and other then our Sunday brunch thing we always did every Sunday I was not 'allowed' to spend money on her. She told me when we are together she did not want me to feel like a client and her she did not want to feel like a 'provider' therefore we made an agreement that she would always pay her own way whenever we went out.
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Jun 3, 2002
Of course, you left the other possibilities out of the poll.

Would a guy marry a girl for the money.

Would a girl TAKE a guy who just wanted to marry for the money.


Prairie Princess
Dec 23, 2002
my two marriages

Started with

First husband totally plutonic but sorta like a surgar daddy you never had sex with.
"let me give you the wedding of a lifetime, cause when you find the man you love, he'll be broke and you wont get to have this"

It was the wedding to remember:) Everything was as if it was out of a catologue.

Second husband, traditional wedding(traditional in the First Nations traditional means) very very small, and after the 'kiss'
"am I really worth have of what you own?" I replied "yes and half of those shirts and sweaters you own are mine too"

Both were memberable, both marriages added to my maturing process. But would i marry purely for money, nope, no way. I wouldnt even date someone regurally for money.

There's way to much involved with the male species to be just attracted to his wallet.


Never Been Justly Banned
Jan 10, 2002

Why buy when you can rent for a fraction of the price.


wet and waiting

New member
Jan 6, 2003
East York (Coxwell and Danforth)
Definitely I could not marry just for money. I dated a very wealthy gentleman last summer who insisted on ordering for me and not even allowing me to read the menu, calling to tell me what to wear on our dates etc. No amount of money could be worth that.

However, my point is that there are a wide range of points in between money and love. At this point, I'm more likely to marry for companionship than any of the above.


Aug 26, 2001
Even if I didn't know she was after my money, I'd want a prenup. Would she sign it? Probably not since it doesn't fit in with her game plan. If she didn't sign it, it begs the question: is it for love or money?
If I *knew* she was only after my money, I wouldn't; why give her half? I agree with onthebottom, renting in this case is cheaper, not to mention the fact that variety is the spice of life.


Aug 21, 2001
at her six
I am a sappy naive open hoplessly optimistic romantic.....and fuck if it hasn't gotten me in sooooooo much trouble in the past. Sometimes I wish to god I wasn't, it would make things so much easier but you can't change what you are. Marry for money? Hell it seems I can't find the right one at all of late....though I'm having some fun looking! And certain friends I've met on the way have a way of making up for a lot of 'wasted' time.


Sexy's Cyber
Aug 1, 2002
If you marry her for money then you know she will be looking elsewhere for enjoyment. Marrying for love is the only way one will be happy, if you are not sure it's love then you should not be getting married. I know in round one of my life I should not have gotten married as it was not true love, I know what true love is now and it is amazing. Money should not be part of the equation, one can be happy without money as long as they have an incredible person beside them.

Secondly, if one wins $2.5M and you are not marrying for love then that $2.5M can quickly turn to $1.25M.

Just my 2 cents (a far cry from $2.5M)



New member
Nov 12, 2002
Liquid space
I make a pretty decent living and as such some women think I am wealthy wich I am not. However I find some of the younger ladies (25 and under) seem fairly attracted to me without really getting to know me wich I assume can be attributted to my car, clothes, home etc. More mature ladies only seem attracted to me after spending time with me in a plutonic environment. I have concluded in my very informal study that people with lfe experience by and large are not interested in a mate based on finances but I could be wrong. My answer to the qestion is no I would not marry for money or be with some one just for the sake of it.


New member
Aug 22, 2001
Downtown Toronto
From $2.5M to zero in ten seconds flat... just say "I do" lol.

Cybercdn said:
..., if one wins $2.5M and you are not marrying for love then that $2.5M can quickly turn to $1.25M. ... Just my 2 cents (a far cry from $2.5M)Cybercdn
lmao... yah knowing this LF of mine (with all due respect) that $2.5M with her 'high living' spending habits it would VERY quickly turn to 2.5 cents. rotflmao.
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Well-known member
Dec 14, 2001
There are two issues, one is the money and the other is the age difference. It is a 21 year age diference which is significant. But, large gap relationships have and do work if both parties are committed to it. In many cultures a significant age gap between men and women is not only common, but desirable. It is only here that we are very narrow minded about these issues. Most men are attracted to women younger than themselves, usually much younger. And there is nothing wrong with that. So, the age thing should not be such a hindrance.

But, the fact that she would only consider being with you for the $2.5M is the red flag. Why does she not marry you now? You are obviously attracted to her. What about her to you? Does it take her $2.5M to look past your age difference?


Never Been Justly Banned
Jan 10, 2002

Why not marry for money first, then love? Or better yet, just start a meth lab and hobby your ass off. The later would be far less risky.



as in " you are such a "
Feb 16, 2003
Wherever I shouldn't be
Just find a woman you REALLY hate, and give her half of your money. Saves time and aggravation.


New member
Jul 29, 2002
Above 7
All I can say is ;



New member
Aug 22, 2001
Downtown Toronto
TheNiteHwk is single and STAYING that way... lol...

Dr69 said:
There are two issues, one is the money and the other is the age difference. It is a 21 year age diference which is significant.
But, the fact that she would only consider being with you for the $2.5M is the red flag. Why does she not marry you now? You are obviously attracted to her. What about her to you? Does it take her $2.5M to look past your age difference?
Our relationship is ‘affectionate’. We love each other in a ‘caring’ way. Are we attracted to one another? To me she is a goddess hence her nick Egyptian Goddess. To her I am I would say ‘acceptable’ so would say yes… but not her ‘prime pick’. Age difference means very little to her... she told me she has always been attracted to older guys. To tell the truth though I would never marry her money or not. (Many different reasons I won’t elaborate now) Actually I prefer to live alone be one big reason. If I ever did win lottery or came into a couple $M$ that would only strengthen my resolve to stay single. NO WAY would I marry ANYBODY then.

Look what I am missing though... ouch... lol.

OH well… interesting fun thread. (Only just started this thread for fun & entertainment) Thanks All.
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New member
Jan 1, 2003
The Dark Ages
Aphrodite said:
Shit! Damn! I knew I forgot SOMETHING!

Seriously. Money only pays the bills. It will never actually make you happy. I have life points in my life where I wanted for nothing money could buy. I have also lived on a modest income and had a lot of love. Ask me which is the better alternative.

True. True. Ask any regular guy, and you'll find that college is when they were the happiest. Money was certainly not in great supply, but being surrounded by good friends, hot women, and and great parties certainly beat the pants off of sitting through interminable meetings populated by a bunch of PC-sprouting, back-stabbing sycophants even though you are raking in the bucks.
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