Ladies Ditch Tops for the 'Free the Nipple' Movement


Active member
Jul 17, 2007
Gandhi burned registration cards in South Africa, straphangers boycotted the buses in Montgomery, Ala., Pussy Riot rotted in a Russian jail, and now we’re watching another great movement unfold, one that strives to liberate that most oppressed group of all: the millions of female nipples languishing in the captivity of bandeaus, camisoles and brassieres.

At least that’s the impression I got at the IFC Center Thursday night during a screening of Free the Nipple, a new film from first-time director Lina Esco. It’s a narrative film, but also part of a larger battle that’s raging in the streets of New York, where female toplessness is legal but still policed, and on the risque social media feeds of free-spirited celebrities: Rihanna, Miley Cyrus and Cara Delevingne are all—surprise!—foot soldiers in the Free the Nipple army



New member
Jan 19, 2006
Whomever the spokeswoman is, she really needs to get someone to explain "Disorderly Conduct" to her and why if the topless woman is encouraging a disorderly crowd to form, she can be arrested.

Of course my favorites are the women, typically university coeds, who stage a topless march, but then they want police to arrest the men who are taking photographs of them.
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