First blood to the DA's office. I watched the video of the shootings many times last year and what happened with the first victim was unclear.
Apparently dude was shot three times and the last time was a bullet in his back. Now the vic fell forward towards KR. But even so, it's hard to see how he could have been shot in the back unless he was already on the ground.
That tears apart the idea that I had, which is that Vic #1 grabbed at KR's gun and KR pumped a round into him during the struggle and Vic #1 died. That sounded like arguable self-defence. It's a lot harder to see self-defence, if KR is "finishing the guy off" as he lies helpless on the ground. And if s-d doesn't apply, then it's Murder 2 and the other shootings become far less defensible.
Open to any comments and I would like to keep this non political and partisan.