Toronto Escorts

Kingston Rd. Mp


New member
Jul 26, 2004
I visited a MP at 41** Kingston Rd. Meet at the door by an older asian woman ( about mid 40s ). Told $40 for 1/2 hour. Room was standerd for cheap asian massage. No shower in the room, but shower was available. Massage was good, very relaxing. Good teasing, then asked to flip, very good ending, with lots of playing with the boys. No extras were offered, so all told $40 total. Well worth the money. Nothing fancy, just lay back enjoy.


Mar 19, 2005
was this the same one I told you about? Was it not exactly like I said? LOL


May 10, 2002
outtolunch said:
I visited a MP at 41** Kingston Rd. Meet at the door by an older asian woman ( about mid 40s ). Told $40 for 1/2 hour. Room was standerd for cheap asian massage. No shower in the room, but shower was available. Massage was good, very relaxing. Good teasing, then asked to flip, very good ending, with lots of playing with the boys. No extras were offered, so all told $40 total. Well worth the money. Nothing fancy, just lay back enjoy.
can you give me the address? i go home that way, so it is very handy, thanks.

Rosie O'donell

New member
Aug 7, 2006
@ home of course. Jeesh!
outtolunch said:
Yes this is the place testind told me about.
The address is 4190 Kingston Rd.

Instead of getting some much needed sleep the other day (after finishing a LONG night shift at work) Rosie rushed out to check this little philly out after reading lunch's post.
Bad mistake, but a good experience at the same time; if that makes any sense...

When the lady came to the door, Rosie was like, "Yikes!!!" (Good thing the TERB brothers already warned us about this)
Feet wanted to turn and run, but the "little dude" talked Rosie into staying.
Luckily Rosie stayed.
Usually, Rosie asks for a HARD massage but have never really gotten it as hard as Rosie would like. Such was NOT the case with her!
Rosie's still amazed at all of the painful power she could muster in those skeletal-like metacarpals of hers! O.U.C.H!!! LOVE IT!!!

She would at times hit Rosie on a nerve with soooo much pressure that Rosie would cringe in pain, and was temporarily rendered motionless.
It was akin to a martial arts master hitting pressure points on an opponent!

She has 35 yrs experience!!!
Now, as far as the release goes....
Rosie couldn't, for lack of a better term, 'blipz'....
She tried for about 5 minutes before Rosie had to take matters in Rosie's 'own hand'.
Another 5 minutes of that and, walla! Man Cream!!!

Great massage!
Total: $40
Return: Only if EVERY other MP in this hemisphere shuts down.

Rosie O'donell

New member
Aug 7, 2006
@ home of course. Jeesh!
goodtime said:
Wow, mid to late 40's as little philly. Had to see what's "middle age"!
60-ish, of course....:D
GILF lovers unite!!!!
Just kidding.
Ashley Madison
Toronto Escorts