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Kingston Fake Fake and... Fake Asian ads


Jul 5, 2003
I was starting to be a bit Amazed with the number of Asian Girls apparently in Kingston.

5, 6... 7 ads a day. One from Japan, Korea, Singapore... you name it.

So, out of curiosity.. called them ALL

5 ads, ONE girl.

Every single ad answered by agent and/or girl... every single ad directed me towards the Exact same Hotel and Room (Maple Crest room 131)

The girl in question was asian girl, maybe 30'ish and slim.
My first question was" "one hour rate?"

To which she replied: "Oh baby, we don't have time for one hour"

I told her I needed to get my wallet and walked out.

Kingston.. my hometown, and sadly, maybe one of the greatest SCAM locations for incall services.

Guess I'll be back to Toronto or Montreal for the weekend.


Jul 5, 2003
As a follow up to this post...

Since I posted this message, I received a text from:

(905) 870-9256

The text said:

"You know why they created cell phone trackers? To catch guys like you! I will put your number on the internet Escort Black List Tracker"

No answer when I called back.

My msg may have included colourful language!


Jul 5, 2003
Phone numbers for the scammer ads:






All those numbers connected

Now that said... the GIRL in question seemed sweet and nice enough
(30's, 5'4, slim, seemed eager to please)

But I am actually getting TEXT MESSAGE TROLL and abuse from the 905 number as we speak (and actually think that is the direct line for the GIRL in this case)

Anyways, thought I should post

I have BENEFITTED GREATLY from guys like Slurp and WhitewaterGuy and others for their posts about the Ktown region.

Figured least I could do was relate this experience on a Wednesday night


New member
Jun 27, 2018
I went to visit this girl after reading this worrying about the worst to happen but it was a very exciting time she was very nice and polite and happy to have my company. that is why i joined yesterday after going to see her. sorry to say she left today because she was scared. i agree with stillROAMing we all know their pics are fake hence the advertising world has been like this for so many years not only for escorts but for many of our daily products. I dont like to take sides but i had to ask the girl about the messages and while this isnt roamingwolfs first rodeo she showed me another guest tried to book same time and she said no so roamingwolf could go see her and in turn lost her only person for the day that was going to pay here 200 for a hour so im sure if any of us guys lost 200 bones because someone was sitting at home currious about something he already knew would not be so happy. the one thing that was very disturbing was when i read that he was going to and if i can remember the quote right he said if he dont get to fu id love to fight and better if i get to beat the shi* of some pu*** a** bitc* like you and anyone else you bring. I do realize it is frustrating to go and see different person than that was advertised in the ad but threaten to beat on a girl wow. in the end i gave her a extra 100$ which she refused to take until when i left i sat it on the bed and hurried out. Guess all and all i would have to say guys these girls provide a service to us when were lonely and when whoevers wife will not do the task but to go to this extent is inexcusable in my eyes


Aug 30, 2001
I went to visit this girl after reading this worrying about the worst to happen but it was a very exciting time she was very nice and polite and happy to have my company. that is why i joined yesterday after going to see her. sorry to say she left today because she was scared. i agree with stillROAMing we all know their pics are fake hence the advertising world has been like this for so many years not only for escorts but for many of our daily products. I dont like to take sides but i had to ask the girl about the messages and while this isnt roamingwolfs first rodeo she showed me another guest tried to book same time and she said no so roamingwolf could go see her and in turn lost her only person for the day that was going to pay here 200 for a hour so im sure if any of us guys lost 200 bones because someone was sitting at home currious about something he already knew would not be so happy. the one thing that was very disturbing was when i read that he was going to and if i can remember the quote right he said if he dont get to fu id love to fight and better if i get to beat the shi* of some pu*** a** bitc* like you and anyone else you bring. I do realize it is frustrating to go and see different person than that was advertised in the ad but threaten to beat on a girl wow. in the end i gave her a extra 100$ which she refused to take until when i left i sat it on the bed and hurried out. Guess all and all i would have to say guys these girls provide a service to us when were lonely and when whoevers wife will not do the task but to go to this extent is inexcusable in my eyes
Now that is one interesting “First Post”. Wow. Anybody taken in?


Active member
Feb 7, 2018
Not that I want to add to this but: join date july 2003 against join date june 2018...

It says it all...


Well-known member
Aug 30, 2005
Thanks for checking things out. Similar marketing strategies seem to be occurring in Belleville and Peterborough also . Of course, they work out of the sketchiest motels soI haven’t bothered. Thanks for confirming my suspicions !!!


Jul 5, 2003
Yeah no doubt about it... VERY few Asian ads ever use Real photos.
For me, the issue was that with 5 or 6 unique ads, with unique phone numbers... well I guess I was thinking/hoping that would mean there were at least 2 or 3 actual ladies in town working.

Also know from experience that there will be 2 or 3 unique ads with separate phone numbers for any particular lady. (Maybe Agent#1, Agent#2, and maybe even the lady in question is posting an ad as well... although that doesn't happen TOO often it seems)

But 5 unique ads with unique numbers for ONE Working Lady just seemed a bit much.

Oh well... such is life. And fortunately, work has me in Ottawa for a couple weeks. Get to combine some Bluesfest concerts with some higher caliber "Hobbying"! (Heck, so excited, may take rest of the afternoon off, and get started on the weekend watching Belgium eliminate Brazil and their crybaby, faker superstars! Let the weekend begin! YEEHAA!)


New member
Jun 27, 2018
Yeah no doubt about it... VERY few Asian ads ever use Real photos.
For me, the issue was that with 5 or 6 unique ads, with unique phone numbers... well I guess I was thinking/hoping that would mean there were at least 2 or 3 actual ladies in town working.

Also know from experience that there will be 2 or 3 unique ads with separate phone numbers for any particular lady. (Maybe Agent#1, Agent#2, and maybe even the lady in question is posting an ad as well... although that doesn't happen TOO often it seems)

But 5 unique ads with unique numbers for ONE Working Lady just seemed a bit much.

Oh well... such is life. And fortunately, work has me in Ottawa for a couple weeks. Get to combine some Bluesfest concerts with some higher caliber "Hobbying"! (Heck, so excited, may take rest of the afternoon off, and get started on the weekend watching Belgium eliminate Brazil and their crybaby, faker superstars! Let the weekend begin! YEEHAA!)
Wow glad i stopped by to have a look at comments. seems everyone is focused on the join dates instead of facts and how often you threaten the girl was totally over looked and was not commented on at all.
the fact that so much effort was put into booking this girl while sitting at home and her loosing money the fact that she was scared because he threatens to beat her up she left town not commented on either. while everyone comes here for facts but overlooks so much. and join date 2003 wow how many times has he done this to other girls would be my thoughts as well but yes join dates are very important lol. as for fake ads it is not localized to our area toronto ottawa windsor every town has girls with fake ads 1,2 maybe up to 4 who knows. because i joined in 2018 dosent mean this is my as they say first rodeo with escorts but would never threaten to abuse a girl or make her lose money for something i already know. like i said when i joined i would have never joined but what i was reading on escorts phone was very disturbing and is only reason i joined.
i have kept girls number and if i am in the same town as here i will forsure visit her as for posting here or looking at the reviews i think i will stick to my own way call book go see if she is what i like i have fun
just for the simple reason what i read here and what happened was totally opposite. anyway im off keep your dicks wrapped and the lube handy gota love the tight asians


Jul 5, 2003
What in the hell are you talking about MANGLER??

Threatening Girls?
Beating them up??

TBH, I have a bit of trouble understanding what you're writing (due to lack of punctuation, grammar, upper case letters and so on)

but if you are in ANY WAY implying that I ever would even CONSIDER threatening a lady or beating her up, then know that I take great exception to your accusations and wonder where you get your info and why you would imply such a thing.

I never even replied to your first post in this thread (mostly because it was almost incoherent, but also because everyone is entitled to their own opinion, and I didn't REALIZE that you may have been referring to me when you were writing about threats and beating on women--- again... I didn't fully understand what you were saying because it was so incomprehensible)

But now that I have re-read a few times, I guess that you are probably the same AGENT that wrote me text messages that particular night.

Let me repeat!!!

The idea that I would EVER even consider threatening a woman is completely foreign to me.
The very notation of hitting or abusing a woman in any manner is abhorrent to me!
And your confusing accusations... if directed towards me... are completely baseless.

In the end, IF you are suggesting I have done ANYTHING wrong in this situation... well you're full of shit.

Yep... the more I think about it, the more I am certain... YOU are a SHILL and an AGENT that is running 5 ads in order to try and DOUBLE-book the same young lady for as many possible clients and can be squeezed into a 24 hour window.

That will be the end of my rant.


Aug 30, 2001
“Yep... the more I think about it, the more I am certain... YOU are a SHILL and an AGENT that is running 5 ads in order to try and DOUBLE-book the same young lady for as many possible clients and can be squeezed into a 24 hour window.”

And that would seem to be the short version and summary.
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