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Keystone Cops smash up another car right in front of me tonight

Sep 8, 2003
Away from here.
I'm at Jarvis and Wellesley about an hour ago, waiting on the northeast corner to turn right, and right next to my car on the sidewalk, a rent a cop with a billyclub is chasing a hooker, who is screaming at him to fuck off and leave her alone.

Two seconds later, the cops pull up, screeching tires, but end up too far north of the intersection. This little drama doesn't deserve this kind of Hollywood entrance, but I figure 'hey, let the show begin'.

The cops jam their car in reverse and gun it to get back to the intersection and BLAMMO they completely smash up a car carrying loads of people.


Within the half hour, the intersection is clogged with cops, SIU, and traffic is snarled for days.

All because a rent a cop found a hooker on his low rent watch.

I saw the whole thing start to finish and it was all so stupid.
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