Keeping up appearances.


New member
Oct 22, 2009
Let's face it. A major reason a guy sees a SP is for their appearance as I'm sure an SP wouldn't mind seeing a nice looking person too.

Now I've wondered and wanted to ask some things that perhaps may have individuals feel rather uncomfortable but I'm also sure there are people here at TERB that are rather fearless

Questions: (answer what you find is appropriate to you)

For the guys who see an SP. Say that you go see a girl and when meeting her she is absolutely NOTHING like her photo or description. i.e. instead of 120 lbs and blonde she's actually 275 lbs and brunette. Do you continue on in getting acquainted or simply just walk away ?

For the guys who see an SP. Again, let's say you see a girl but what you see is NOTHING as shown in a pic or as described but in actuality is much HOTTER. yet asks for a little more in the donation. Do you continue on or walk away?

For the SP's. What if a guy comes to see you and flat out lies about everything from the color of his hair to his height and weight. Do you treat them differently during the meet, just continue as per usual as with all others or tell them too leave?

For the SP's. What if a guy sees you and you think he is absolutely gorgeous. Same question is asked. Do you treat him differently or
just as like everyone else ?


New member
Nov 3, 2009
As a guy who has seen SPs.

1) If she doesn't match what she (or agency) gives as descriptors, then I will more than likely leave. Because as you said, I go for the appearance.

2) I only bring as much as I have been quoted. If she wants more, and won't accept what I was quoted, I will more than likely leave. Then again, even if she does accept what I brought, I might not continue as the experience would be lessened.


Well-known member
Dec 14, 2001
what a bunch of idiotic questions. Don't you have anything better to do with your time than contemplate crap like this?


New member
Oct 22, 2009

what a bunch of idiotic questions. Don't you have anything better to do with your time than contemplate crap like this?

You mean like thinking of another Tiger Woods thread? Is that something you'd fancy?

Simple idea. You don't like this topic don't say anything else about it. You yourself called it idiotic so in sense is it not ridiculous on your part to reply to this thread?

misterme had the guts to speak up. He himself may find these questions stupid ....but at least he stepped up to the plate and kindly answered them.


Pop Rock Kid
As someone seeing SPs

1. By looking at pictures and also looking at reviews I have never been that shocked or dissappointed. Sure facially you seldom see pictures of them and their not what you expect but have always been happy with SPs i've seen. I am also not hung up on appearances, I value attitude and connection more than looks.

2. I have never been asked for more money in person as I ensure it is clearly communicated in email/PM/phone prior to meeting them. Being careful about expectations avoids the need to walk.

As a side comment for the SP question, No SP that I have seen has ever asked what I look like or has required a picture prior to our meeting. (approx. 25 SPs).


New member
Oct 22, 2009
As someone seeing SPs

1. By looking at pictures and also looking at reviews I have never been that shocked or dissappointed. Sure facially you seldom see pictures of them and their not what you expect but have always been happy with SPs i've seen. I am also not hung up on appearances, I value attitude and connection more than looks.

2. I have never been asked for more money in person as I ensure it is clearly communicated in email/PM/phone prior to meeting them. Being careful about expectations avoids the need to walk.

As a side comment for the SP question, No SP that I have seen has ever asked what I look like or has required a picture prior to our meeting. (approx. 25 SPs).
GDLover thanks so much for your comments. I appreciate it. It's not as if i ask these questions for fun. There is a reason.

I do not live in the GTA and the SPs here are far different from where I've traveled. You could say some are mechanical in attitude.

I've been asked once to give a little more and also have come across one occasion where the girl was a complete sham. I walked out on both encounters.

Is this not a forum to get at least an ounce of guidance and help?


New member
Nov 3, 2009
You mean like thinking of another Tiger Woods thread? Is that something you'd fancy?

Simple idea. You don't like this topic don't say anything else about it. You yourself called it idiotic so in sense is it not ridiculous on your part to reply to this thread?

misterme had the guts to speak up. He himself may find these questions stupid ....but at least he stepped up to the plate and kindly answered them.
I answered them more because the circumstances presented are ones I haven't encountered, so they made me think. And I think it's good to think with the big head more often.


Sep 4, 2002
I see a few SP's so I guess I'll give you and answer as well.

Bottom line for me is if I like what I see when the door opens I will stay, if not I politely walk away. I will always turn down any upsell, as it is a turn off during a session.

As for my looks I have never been asked prior to the session and I never book with SP's or agencies that want to know more than just a valid phone number.


Pop Rock Kid
GDLover thanks so much for your comments. I appreciate it. It`s not as if i ask these questions for fun. There is a reason.

I do not live in the GTA and the SPs here are far different from where I`ve traveled. You could say some are mechanical in attitude.

I`ve been asked once to give a little more and also have come across one occasion where the girl was a complete sham. I walked out on both encounters.

Is this not a forum to get at least an ounce of guidance and help?
Research is your best way of seeing an SP experience that matches what you are looking for. Even though you don`t live here you can do some homework to be preparred.

Check out the terb advertising sections Agencies and Indy.

Look through and get a list of whom descriptions, services & pictures interest you. Search for reviews on those ladies to find ladies that are your type. You can always ask specific questions in Incall/Outcall sections if you need more info.

Good luck and happy hobbying.


resident smartass
Aug 18, 2001
way out in left field
For the guys who see an SP. Say that you go see a girl and when meeting her she is absolutely NOTHING like her photo or description. i.e. instead of 120 lbs and blonde she's actually 275 lbs and brunette. Do you continue on in getting acquainted or simply just walk away ?

I'm off faster than a cheap toupee in a hurricane. I don't coddle liars.....

For the guys who see an SP. Again, let's say you see a girl but what you see is NOTHING as shown in a pic or as described but in actuality is much HOTTER. yet asks for a little more in the donation. Do you continue on or walk away?

Hotter doesn't necessarily mean you'll have a better time. If the advertised rate was $250.00, I'd say nope to the upsell and say: here's $250.00, we going to do this or not? But upon reflection, naw, I wouldn't go through with it because a) the upsell would piss me off and b) if I didn't pay it it probably would piss HER off......
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