Keeping secrets


New member
Sep 9, 2002
How many strippers, MPA's, and escorts manage to keep what they do a secret? There's a thread about marrying a stripper over in the strip club review section and one topic there was whether or not to tell your family what she does, etc.

I think it's probably damn near impossible for a stripper to keep her job a secret. Just too visible, and most guys would have no trouble admitting they'd been in to a club ("the guys dragged me there"). But I may be wrong: anyone ever manage to pull it off successfully? MPA's and escorts have a bit better chance because aside from their clients nobody really sees them, and their clients probably have as much to hide. Still.. if you tried to keep it a secret you'd always have to worry that you'd be outed by an ex-customer, or driver, or hotel clerk, or whoever.

I know a lot of women on TERB are just plain open about what they do with everybody. No doubt if you can do that, that's the best way. But what I'm curious to hear are stories about people who try/tried to keep it a secret and whether they succeed. How easy is it to pull off?

In one case I'm thinking of there's an MPA with a 13 year old kid who doesn't know what mom does for a living. How he would ever find out I don't know, but it's a constant worry for her in one way.


Goober Mcfly

Retired. -ish
Oct 26, 2001
I'll always remember when I found out what Mom did for a living. After opening her bedroom door, the image of Cardinal Fang's skinny white ass moving up and down to I'm Not The Man I Used To Be by Fine Young Cannibals is permanently burned into my mind.

Please give me money for therapy.
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