

Well-known member
Nov 5, 2014
Felt like my 'official' review for Karrissa is long overdue, so here it is.

If anyone has scrolled through my old posts, they'd find that I gave a big '-1' vote to Karrissa a long time ago in the GFE thread. I remember this session deeply because there she was, this amazingly beautiful girl who was smart, a great conversationalist, and an overall great person, who gave me an incredibly lackluster session, with little to no GFE elements. After that session, I crossed her off and decided to just stick with my regulars to avoid further disappointment. Karrissa had so much potential but she seemed to hold everything in.

Well, fast forward several months and I see a twitter post from Karrissa claiming that she is now "fully GFE", so I decide 'what the heck' and give her another shot. This turned out to be easily one of the best decisions of my year as this beautiful girl, who was so unaffectionate to me the first time was now the model 'girlfriend' MA, and one of the most amazing kissers ever. From then on, I visited her as often as I could, and leaving everytime with a huge smile on my face.

If what you're looking for is someone with a good head on their shoulders, intelligent conversation, amazing massage skills, and some of the best kissing around, then Karrissa should be at the top of your list.
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