Made the trip to Ktown and finally met Karma Kiss. I made the plans a couple days ahead of time, and as it turns out, she prefers prebooking. Texting was really easy, and she wasn't looking for any etransfer deposit, which I refuse to do anyway. All she asked for was a message the night before confirming that I'm still showing up at the scheduled time. I arrived where she was hosting a few minutes early, and she is just who you see in her pictures. She's really easy to talk to and it was easy getting to know her. I asked what her restrictions are, and had a few that are not overated or dealbreakers. I booked an hour, she didn't try and upsell any additionals, and she is not a clockwatcher or in a hurry to get you out the door. Not once did I see or hear her phone.
I've met Jemma and Celeste in the past, and adored both of them. But I'm glad I can now say I've seen another one of Kingstons top providers.
today 8pm- -2am karma-ki$$: the ultimate experience | Kingston | South Eastern & Ottawa | Female Escorts | LeoList
I've met Jemma and Celeste in the past, and adored both of them. But I'm glad I can now say I've seen another one of Kingstons top providers.
today 8pm- -2am karma-ki$$: the ultimate experience | Kingston | South Eastern & Ottawa | Female Escorts | LeoList