Kamala’s Plan to Ruin America’s Economy


Well-known member
Apr 16, 2002
AUG 28, 2024
Daniel Lacalle

Price controls, higher taxes, government intervention, and subsidies paid for by printing a constantly devalued currency.

These are the essential pillars of “21st century socialism” and the radical left Peronism that obliterated Argentina. These are also the main elements of the economic plan presented by Kamala Harris and the Democratic Party. Undoubtedly, this is the most radical socialist economic plan ever announced by the Democrats.

According to the Committee for a Responsible Federal Budget (CRFB), Harris’s proposals will cost $1.95 trillion over 10 years. However, it emphasizes that if certain measures become permanent, this figure could increase to $2.25 trillion.

The Harris campaign has stated that these costs will be offset by a classic excuse of socialism in any election: “higher taxes on corporations and high earners.” This is, obviously, ludicrous, because there is no revenue measure that will cover the already bloated $2 trillion annual deficit and an added $2 trillion. The mantra of “higher taxes for the rich” always means higher taxes and more inflation, a hidden tax, for you.

The Congressional Budget Office (CBO) has already warned of the fiscal disaster of the United States, with an annual deficit of 6% of GDP. Despite not accounting for a recession and projecting record tax revenues from 2024 to 2034, the CBO predicts an explosion in the budget deficit from $1.9 trillion to $2.8 trillion by 2034, even before factoring in Harris’s new spending plan. This means that the adjusted deficit will rise above 6.9 percent of GDP by 2034, almost twice the average of 3.7 percent over the previous 50 years.

Following the Harris plan, the United States public debt will likely increase by $24 trillion in a decade. As I have explained, there is no set of revenue measures that can bring $2 trillion per year in additional tax receipts, and tax hikes will harm both investment and growth.

An economy that generates an annual deficit of 6 percent of GDP to achieve a mere 2 percent annual growth is already on a dangerous path, and Harris’ plan would make it even worse.

Kamala Harris promises to cut inflation by spending and printing more money, reducing competition, and attacking businesses. It has never worked and never will because it is upside-down economics. Welcome to the US “Peronism.”.

Imagine all those United States citizens who have escaped Latin American or European economies impoverished by interventionism to find a better opportunity in the United States only to find that the same policies will be implemented by Harris.

The narrative of price gouging and greedflation is simply false. In 2023, profit margins in the grocery industry hit the lowest level since 2019, at 1.6%, according to the IMF. Corporations, even if they were stupid and reckless, cannot make all prices rise constantly. Competition would eat away at their market share; newcomers would eliminate them, and aggregate prices would fall. Furthermore, stores and businesses cannot make aggregate prices soar, maintain the increase, and consolidate it, which is the measure of inflation (CPI) we read every month. The only thing that can make all prices rise and continue increasing at a slower pace is printing money and eroding the purchasing power of the currency.

The only thing that can make aggregate prices rise constantly is the destruction of the purchasing power of the currency, which comes from massive government spending and printing currency to disguise fiscal imbalances.

Kamala Harris and her team know that their spending plan will make the national debt soar and that price controls do not reduce prices. In fact, these should not be called “price controls” but “limits to competition.” If corporations were the cause of inflation and price controls were the solution, Peronist Argentina would have enjoyed the lowest inflation in the world in the past decades.

Harris’ proposals to forgive debt are profoundly anti-social. They do not forgive any debt; they just add it to the national debt and make you pay for it. This enormous increase in public debt will be a burden for every American, particularly the poorest, with persistent inflation and lower real wages. US citizens have already endured negative real wage growth since January 2021, when Biden took office, according to the Federal reserve of St Louis. Expect worse.

Why does Harris promote the same policies that have failed everywhere? Promising free stuff and blaming others for the negative consequences is the defining strategy of socialist politicians.

Are you surprised to see how Germany, France, and other historically rich nations slump into stagnation, high debt, persistent inflation, enormous taxes, and the destruction of the middle class? Those policies are what Harris is promising. Who benefits? The vast government and its surrounding corporations reap the benefits.

Many people hold the belief that a nation cannot be considered socialist if it contains private companies. It makes no sense. State control does not limit itself to capital ownership but also to the imposition of increasingly restrictive laws, regulations, and confiscatory taxes. In fact, the government likes to absorb most of the wealth created by the private sector without the inconvenience of managing the businesses. Huerta de Soto defines socialism as “any system of institutional, methodical aggression against the free exercise of entrepreneurship” and that is precisely what Harris promises.

Higher taxes and more debt.

The government will print money to provide subsidies in a currency that is constantly losing value. It will blame stores and businesses for inflation. Interventionist policies will continue to erode the private sector. And they will repeat.

The makers of these policies are aware that they will negatively impact the economy, yet they will also engender a substantial number of enslaved citizens who rely on the government and must abide by its decisions. Voters see an alleged tsunami of free money but ignore the fact that they will pay for it through higher inflation, lower real wages, and diminishing opportunities for small businesses and families.

The Harris team believes deficits do not matter and that the Federal Reserve can always disguise any budget imbalance. However, cracks have already appeared. Persistent inflation is the consequence of years of excessive spending and monetization. The next step is the risk of losing the US dollar as the world reserve currency when the world stops accepting the ever-increasing debt.



Well-known member
May 3, 2014
Every time a Democrat proposes their budgets/economic plans we get this exact article written how the democrats will destroy the economy.
Gingrich said it about Clinton's plan, that the republicans would "not be responsible for the economic collapse" caused by Clinton (instead opposite happened).

They said it about Obama's economy, that it would turn the USA into Greece! A third world country!! Debase the currency!!
None of that happened and in fact USA recovered from global meltdown faster than most countries.

Trump said Bidens plan would destroy the economy, crash the stock market, etc. Instead the best economy in a generation. Lowest inflation in the world wide inflation spiral, one if the best GDPs, lowest unemployment, record stock market.

And now here we are again.


Well-known member
Apr 16, 2002
These are questions of ideological faith, though.
You can't expect them not to object with the proper religious objections.

Would you expect objection to Harris's spending plan
below to be based on ideological faith? Personally I think
it is insane.
Harris wants to invest $10 trillion in Green New Deal
July 24, 2024

Meet the new candidate — much worse than the older one.

When President Biden bowed to the pressure of Democratic Party elites and pulled out of the presidential race, he also gave the radical environmental movement one last gift: Vice President Kamala Harris.

First, we must acknowledge the truth. Mr. Biden will rightfully go down in history as the most unsuccessful and unpopular president ever. Record prices and inflation that would make President Jimmy Carter proud ultimately sunk Mr. Biden in the polls. After 14 million votes for Mr. Biden in the Democratic primary cycle, each of them will now turn into an election denier and support another nominee.

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Just a bundle of fucking sunshine
Mar 27, 2014
Would you expect objection to Harris's spending plan
below to be based on ideological faith?
Given that is the Washington Times - yes.

But separate from that, I am pointing out to kherg that the reason the objection never changes is because the objections are ideological and faith-based.

An actual analysis of any given plan can (and should) produce real objections.
That's not what explains the "it doesn't matter what the plans are, the objections will always be the same" effect.


Well-known member
Mar 3, 2017
Kamala wants to return the corporate tax rate back to what it was before the trump corporate tax cuts. Technically it is raising the corporate tax rate but if you put it in context it is a reasonable and sensible thing to do.

If you want to pull off a clean energy transition, 10 Trillion is the right ballpark amount.

The clean energy transition lives or dies based on battery technology. Sodium batteries are already commercially available. LFP batteries which do not use Nickel, Manganese, or Cobalt and can last for 20k charge cycles (50 years of service life) are already commercially available. Both happened this year, Biden was ahead of the curve with the green new deal, but now is the right time to get serious about the green energy transition because large scale energy storage with batteries is both practical and economically viable now.


Well-known member
May 3, 2014
Unlike Clinton, Obama and Biden, Harris is one airheaded bimbo though
an educated one. Harris's presidency will turn out to be a bigger disaster
than Trump's 1st term.
If the president operates in isolation - then maybe yes. What makes a successful president is the team around them and how they arrive at decisions. Same with good CEOs.
If you think she's going to assemble the group of felons and mercenaries and other clowns Trump will, I doubt it.
Trump had a couple of people, at first, who knew their shit. He chased them out. All of them said Trump was an impossible moron who knew nothing, and they all say he is unfit.


Well-known member
Aug 23, 2001
Unlike Clinton, Obama and Biden, Harris is one airheaded bimbo though
an educated one. Harris's presidency will turn out to be a bigger disaster
than Trump's 1st term.
There's only 1 "air headed bimbo" in this thread. Ohh, wait. Make that 2 air headed bimbos.

Neither is Kamala.


Well-known member
Apr 16, 2002
For the last 40 years the economy has done much better under the Democrats. Simply because regular folks invest when things are stable socially.
How do you think the economy will do much better by spending
10 trillion on renewable energy in the light of projected interest
payment of $1 trillion on $35 trillion of federal debt in 2025 and
a deficit estimated to be $2 trillion this year?
Last edited:


Well-known member
Apr 16, 2002
If you want to pull off a clean energy transition, 10 Trillion is the right ballpark amount.
10 trillion of taxpayers' money to be spent I suppose. Sounds like private
investment will come nowhere close to the right amont.


Well-known member
Feb 11, 2009
These are questions of ideological faith, though.
You can't expect them not to object with the proper religious objections.
So you really think the Biden policies weren't disastrous? And you think kamala will continue for 4 more years?


Well-known member
Apr 16, 2002
The US fossil fuel industry also gets subsidies, about 750 billion a year and that does not take into account the Trillions spent on wars to secure dino juice.
You can be assured Harris was aware of that when she said she
would not ban fracking. She knows whatever subsidies the oil industry
received will be recouped from revenue generated by fracking.

Likewise the gang of climate hypocrites in Canada namely, Trudeau,
Guilbeault and Wilkinson were all too happy to support deep water oil
drilling offshore Newfound on anticipation of all the royalty money the
government could bring in from pillaging nation's remaining oil resources.

To my knowledge John D Rockefeller and Henry Ford did not receive that
kind of public money to build their business. Apparently transition to renewable
energy would not be profitable like the fossil fuel industry. If transition to
renewable energy is urgently needed to fend off impending climate catastrophe
the right thing to do is to implement and enforce measures of drastic emission
reduction *immediately*. Spending money you don't have on money-losing
ventures would only make things worse.


Well-known member
May 28, 2022
Unlike Clinton, Obama and Biden, Harris is one airheaded bimbo though
an educated one. Harris's presidency will turn out to be a bigger disaster
than Trump's 1st term.
I am glad that you finally admit that Trump was a disaster. I don't think anyone can do worse.
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Well-known member
Apr 16, 2002
I am glad that you finally admit that Trump was a disaster. I don't think anyone can do worse.
Trump's 1st term was indeed a disaster big enough for him to lose
to Biden in 2020.

Apparently the disaster isn't as big in retrospect. Hence
his comeback caused the Democrats to panic. To decide
an airhead couldn't be worse than a senile old man is a
sign of desperation.
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