Justin "Spicolly" Trudeau dips in the polls on childish foreign policy


Active member
Sep 22, 2010
Have u been following this story. The shiny pony was so inept on the iraq file like a child MP Marc Garneau had to literally step in to speak on his behalf. Justin ran away from parliament. I wonder where he's hiding. Ford is a genius compared to JT.

K Douglas

Half Man Half Amazing
Jan 5, 2005
Room 112
Hey don't insult Spicoli like that :)


New member
Feb 5, 2006
"Article 5?, what's article 5....ahh yes, the NATO trigger"

This is the person who's supposed to represent Canada internationally, not to mention run our country? Not a chance in hell!! He a nothing more than a cardboard cut out, a pathetic charicature of a party that thinks it's thier devine right to govern this land. I was in a bar in downtown Calgary when they showed his press scrum, the place exploded into laughter when he spoke. Hush Justin, the adults are speaking. And here I was thinking that nothing could irritate me more than hearing his father speak, yet Justin Trudeau is far more irritating to listen to than was his father. Despite the disdain I had for the senior and arrogant and obtuse as Trudeau was, at least he spoke intelligently and was informed on matters.
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