So it turns out that one of the favourite star witnesses in the grand jury farce investigating the killing of Michael Brown lied, and that the "prosecutor" (yes, scare quotes used perfectly correctly for once) knew about it.
But even ignoring all the red flags above (and many more in the two articles), the real kicker is the insane and changing stories she gives to explain her presence in Ferguson at the time of the shooting. First she claims she was there to spontaneously visit a high school pal she hadn't seen in over 20 years. Then she claims she was doing regular trips to the 'hood to better understand African Americans. Crazy fucking shit that beggars belief. The cops knew she was lying, and the "prosecutor" sure as fuck knew she was lying. This is insane. Utterly insane. This is just a small snapshot of the sausage factory known as justice, American style.PAGE 158 : Witness admits to regularly searching the internet for facts about the case.
PAGE 170: Witness admits to commenting on articles about the cases for weeks before she ever claimed to be a witness.
PAGE 170: Witness admits to “using the N-Word half a dozen times” in her comments about the case.
PAGE 177: FBI agent asks her to explain some of her comments about the case. Witness #40 admits to saying, “they need to kill the fucking niggers” and the protests are “an ape-fest.”