Club Dynasty

Jumped @ The Dollhouse Last Night


Mmm... chicken
Feb 17, 2002
The Geek Triangle
I've had quite a few PMs from the regulars here on the board & i appreciate the concern - nice to have my own little family of pervs. :)

To fill in the details since i' m getting tired of repeating it - i was assaulted outside the club by a dancer"s boyfriend who sucker punched me from behind as i was leaving. I consider myself lucky to have come away with a mild concussion as i smashed my head on the sidewalk on my way down - as my doctor pointed out "people die from that kind of shit." Unfortunately he thought it would be fun to keep punching & kicking me after the fact. As a result i won't be returning to the club, ending a 7+ year run that was on the definite upswing in recent times.

I'm sure that as a result everyone can see why i won't be going back there Terb party or not.

Be well & spend some time with your family over the holidays - a scare like i went through just emphasizes to me how easily something stoopid could take that all away.
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Mmm... chicken
Feb 17, 2002
The Geek Triangle

i called the cops but they're not interested in coming out to a bar fight unless the bar calls or an ambulance is needed. i'm pretty sure as a few of them indicated to me afterwards that "nobody saw nuttin."


Active member
Feb 25, 2003
Luv Natural Redheads
Rogie... you and I have already exchanged a number of PM's this morning and I am so disgusted that no one came to help you... customer, owner or employee. One would think after all the reviews and promotion you do for this place... one of the brothers or bouncers would have done their job. I've seen them out there many times in the past dealing with fights at the entrance and in the parking lot. There doesn't seem to be any hesitation from them calling the police in the past.

Maybe Sexykiki can find out the inside reason as to what happened. While she doesn't need to apologize for their behaviour... perhaps she could find out why no one came to help. If we don't hear from her... then I think it's safe to say they knew exactly what was going on... and that's shit. I certainly won't return until we hear something back.

One last thing... what in the hell are the two bouncers walking around inside with winter jackets on if they're not actually outside doing their job? They know who Rogie is... and as a good customer for over 7+ years... this is how they take care of their regulars?


"Good Girl"
I don't have the faintest idea as to why there were no bouncers outside, other than the bar was already closed, and there were only a few people left behind. There was also no altercation inside the bar. So, I guess it would be safe to say, that no one had any idea as to what was going on, until Rogie came back into the bar.
I was in the change room when the dj came in and told me Rogie needed to talk to me outside, so I didn't even find out until after the fact. I have apologised to Rogie, as I feel I was "guilty by association" and I feel really bad that something like this has happened to such a good customer.
I hope that Rogie will be okay.

Ford Prefect

Sep 26, 2004
What the hell did you do to this guy to get him so irate? Was it that you had just bought dances from his gf? Or is there more to the story?

Seeing as I have gone there a few times in the last couple months I'd like to know, so I know what to avoid. Can you provide the name of the dancer this guy was seeing? I'm not asking to hurt this dancers business...but I'd like to know when I need to be watching my back. Quite honestly, this type of thing wouldn't keep me from getting dances from a girl...but like I say, I like to know when to be looking over my shoulder.

If you don't want to post it a PM would be nice...


"Good Girl"
She's fairly new to the whole dancing thing and I don't think that she understands that she needs to deal with situations like this in a proper manner by going to the bar about it. Bringing someone from outside into a situation only worsens it, as they will only side with one person, and the bar would try and get both sides before deciding anything. In four years of me dancing, I have never tried to get anyone else from outside involved, no matter how bad the situation. I think that she just needs to be talked to about how to handle herself, so shit like this doesn't happen again.


Active member
Feb 25, 2003
Luv Natural Redheads
I really wonder whether we should be posting the name or at least the description of this dancer. Maybe it's best if we keep far away from this one... especially if her boyfriend either stays around to watch her... or possibly even works there.


Apr 4, 2003
On the High Sea's
Real tuff guy to blindside ya like that..and to think the dollhhouse was attracting a little bit better clientel.....guess not....

I assume you must of did something inappropriate or was it just a jealous bf deal?...either way it does not justify that shit..


Mmm... chicken
Feb 17, 2002
The Geek Triangle

As much as i'd like to give the name out i shouldn't.
Let it be - i'll heal & the Dollhouse won't miss me.
Eventually i'll hit the circuit again, no big deal.
Xtenuating circumstances like her being new might apply.
I also want to say it in no way reflects on her friends.
SexyKiki also deserves full marks under a tough situation.



New member
Apr 2, 2003
*sticking head out of the shadow*

Hey guys,

Rogie as someone who works security at a bar I know a few of the ins and outs.

One being that as long as you are on their property they are responsible for your safety. That's why they have bouncers, not just for protection of the girls but also of the patrons. So if you incured any financial losses (i.e. lost wages from work, hospital bills, etc...). You actually are in a position to sue.

The reason that bars don't like calling the police is because it can affect their liquor license. If a bar has called the police too many times it sends up red flags which brings around the liquor inspector. If they see too many bad things, like over serving (a bar can serve someone to the point of intoxication but not inhebriation), fighting, etc...they'll suspend the license. I'm not making excuses for them. Just letting you know why they're probably hesitant.

I hate hearing about cases where the bouncers don't do their job (like in this case) or put too much 'ethusiasm' into their job (and beat the crap out someone). It might be cold out, but I stay outside until all the patrons have cleared the area. Sorry Sexykiki, but the bouncers slipped up. It was a honest slip up, but it resulted in a person getting injured. Rogie, how did you get to the hospital? The bar should have made arrangements so make sure you got there safely rather then driving around the city with what turned out to be a concussion.

My concern is also for the dancer in question since this guy seems to a few sandwiches short of a picnic.

Just my two cents worth.


Mack Bolan

Active member
Sep 24, 2001
Some where in Cyber Space
Go after the Bar and seek legal help in regards
to the club and the lack of action in regards to the police.
Now that you have medical information showing an injury from a attack. You still can press charges and the police should have pressed charges, they just didn't want to do the paper work.

If anyone had witness your attack and would come forward to give a statement in court and to the police. I would press charges and if the police don't go to the OPP and ask them. There must be some local board that you can go to about them taking a "doughnut" break. You could have died!
Don't let him and them getaway with this.

As for the bar, since I asuming that nothing happened inside to give you cause for this. There was no trouble in the bar and that for some reason unknow to you some asshole attacked you outside. The bar should not have worried. As a "longtime" customer of the bar, they should have made sure that you were okay and the necessary AID was given to you.



Oct 25, 2002

I would go ask the bar for their help as it is their responsibility to ensure your safety. You should remind them that this kind of news travels fast and can affect their business.



New member
Jan 17, 2004
Well I've been to the Doll house several times in the last two months. I've been disgusted ever since I read your story Rogie. I hope you are doing better. On most visits I drop about $200 at this place. From now on I'll take my business elsewhere. I value my safety way too much to visit a place like that.

Cheers man.


Dec 25, 2002
Screw places that allow this kind of thing. Unless we're not hearing all of the story, The Dollhouse ceases to exist, as far as I'm concerned. What kind of low rent garbage is this?!


"Good Girl"
The Dollhouse isn't as bad as it's being made out to be. I am not saying what happened was wrong...cause it was. But this is the first incident like this that I've heard of since the new owners took over, and I've been there almost a year and haven't heard anything like this happening yet. The dancer is new to the business, and she is kicked out as of tonight. I don't think it very fair of Rogie to try to defer people from visiting the Dollhouse. It is a good, friendly atmosphere, the drinks are a good price, the food is great and most of the girls there are nice. Rogie did do something to upset a girl, and as far as I know, she blew it out of proportion. She shouldn't have involved her boyfriend, and something like that definatley shouldn't have happened, but that shouldn't change everybody's mind on going to the club. The owners weren't rude to him as far as I know when he told them about the incident, and I'm sure they are sorry no one was outside. These people are business men, and I'm sure they wouldn't do anything to jeapordise their business, including "letting" a good customer get hurt. Please don't bash the entire business over a single incident, there aren't thugs waiting around the corner to hurt anyone. Billy and George really are good people and I'm sure those of you that visited before can't say honestly that you have all had bad experiences there.

I also recently spoke with Billy who informed me that the cops did indeed show up and that him and the bouncers spoke with them for about an hour and a half that night. He also informed me that the boyfriend was kicked out of the club.
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Jan 20, 2004
Rogie - Although I have never met you I wish you the best and would like to add to take caution in that you will still have a considerable timeframe to wait out before you can declare yourself O.K. A friend of mine was jumped in a bar a few years back and suffered a mild concussion as well, with him having a head ache for a couple days and then he thought he was clear. WRONG A week or so later he started getting headaches, blurred vision, etc., and had symptoms continue for a couple months afterwards until he was finally cleared. I myself used to bounce at a bar back home a couple years back and agree that this was handled badly and would at least be in contact with management to address concerns with how this was/is handled. With a regular patron like yourself, they should rectify the situation in case you don't continue healing quickly.
Sorry buddy, not trying to scare you - just telling you that concussions can affect everyone differently.


Mmm... chicken
Feb 17, 2002
The Geek Triangle

SexyKiki said:
I don't think it very fair of Rogie to try to defer people from visiting the Dollhouse.

Far be it from ME to differ with YOU on this (and YOU of all people SK know what that statement means) i never once deferred people from going to the Dollhouse. You can look at my post history & see that i have done nothing but promote this place since the ownership change. But what happened happened, despite all the rampant denial from the Dollhouse that has apparently been going on since (admittedly not by you SK).

I named the dancer - you just have to look at my message to decrypt it. And the problem isn't just in banning her - at the end of the day it wasnt her that jumped me. Her boyfriend came in hunting for me 3 DAYS after i upset her which tells me HE has some issues. We both know she should have gone to management & that would have been the end of the story. Has her boyfriend been banned as well?

I also would like to know what is going to happen to the second guy who was along for the ride? He claimed he was just "there to make sure buddy didn't mess me up too bad" but when i'm looking up stunned from the pavement with the 2 of them standing over me it sure as hell looks like i was just jumped by TWO guys. And yes - this is the first time i have mentioned the 2nd guy at all in consideration of his apology to me afterwards. Have 1 or both of them been banned?

Has SOP at the club changed to have a bouncer in the parking lot until EVERY car is gone from the place?

At the end of the day i realize how lucky i am that i wasn't hurt a lot worse or killed. Ironically the club management tried pointing out to me that i would have been hurt a lot worse at another club under the circumstances. What the hell kind of defence is that?

SK - your buddy is fortunate i wasn't hurt a lot worse & i suggest he gets help for his apparent issues before he REALLY hurts someone and ends up with 10-15 years to think about it.

Anyhow - i have invited the management at the Dollhouse to meet with me to discuss this. I'm tired of their bullshit denials - i have no reason to make this - any of this - up and don't appreciate the insinuation they have made that i somehow MADE ANY OF THIS UP. I'm a stand up guy (except when jumped from behind :)) and will talk to them - it's the least that can be done for my own peace of mind.
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