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Joy smith wants to outlaw buying sex


Well-known member
Jun 16, 2007
Toronto, Ontario
just a quick post

conservative MP Joy smith want to outlaw "buying sex" claiming it will reduce human trafficking

STOP HER!!! what consenting adults do in private is none of her business why are the cons importing U.S republican craziness into Canada?


New member
Oct 22, 2002
42.55.65N 78.43.73W
I rent it

when you buy you are expected to feed and buy her clothes let alone house her


Eat the Weak
Jun 12, 2006
just a quick post

conservative MP Joy smith want to outlaw "buying sex" claiming it will reduce human trafficking

STOP HER!!! what consenting adults do in private is none of her business why are the cons importing U.S republican craziness into Canada?

She should watch herself...

She's threatening her OWN livelihood!

Because if her & the other MPs ar4nt paid to fuck us all straight in the ass then they're paid to do Nothing


New member
Sep 10, 2002
OTTAWA — Making it illegal to buy sex would help combat human trafficking for the sex trade in Canada, Conservative MP Joy Smith will say Wednesday as she unveils dozens of recommendations to fight the modern-day slave trade.

The recommendations are part of a national action plan Smith has worked on for the last three years, and include more funding for aid agencies that assist victims and creating a national office to assess and provide annual reports on Canada's efforts to stop human trafficking both here and abroad.

"It's going to take our whole nation to stop this crime," said Smith, MP for the Manitoba riding of Kildonan-St. Paul. She took on human trafficking as her political raison d'etre after seeing her son deal with the problem in his job as a police officer.

Human trafficking is the buying and selling of people, most often for sex or forced labour. Since human trafficking became a separate offence in the Criminal Code four years ago, just five people have been convicted of it in Canada. All of those cases involved Canadian victims, most under 18, who were forced into the sex trade within Canada.

There are another 32 cases before the courts now, at least 14 of which include victims who are Canadian girls under the age of 18.

The U.S. State Department estimates 800 people are trafficked into Canada each year and another 1,500 to 2,200 are smuggled through Canada on the way to the U.S.

Smith's plan calls for Canada to study ways to adopt a decade-old Swedish policy that considers prostitution violence against the sex trade worker and makes it illegal to buy or attempt to buy sex either on the street or in a business such as a brothel or massage parlour.

The policy cut demand for the sex trade and resulted in a significant drop in human trafficking there compared to its European neighbours. Some estimated the amount of prostitution in Sweden plummeted 90 per cent.

Canada's current laws prohibit solicitation but not the actual purchase of sex.

"Personally, I like the Swedish model and we can adapt many concepts from that model concerning the demand for the sex trade," said Smith.

She also calls for a wider public relations campaign, training judges, lawyers and cops about Canada's relatively new human trafficking laws so they can be used better and establishing safe houses for victims in each province.

She noted one of the critical aspects for prosecuting offenders is to separate the victim from the enslaver long enough to help begin the process of rehabilitation. The inability of police to get victims to co-operate — often due to fear of reprisal from their attackers — has been a major hindrance to prosecuting human trafficking in Canada.

Smith's plan comes on the heels of an RCMP analysis of human trafficking cases in Canada. The RCMP report found evidence of human trafficking in most major Canadian cities. Threats of violence against sex trade workers or their families, social isolation, withholding identification and requiring repayment of large debts are among the tactics used to coerce women and girls into the trade.

International victims mostly come from Eastern Europe and Asia and are smuggled into Canada either on false documents, visitor visas or through false marriages.

One of Smith's recommendations is to have Canada Border Services Agency officials keep track of women arriving in Canada alone for six months after they arrive to ensure they are safe.

Smith said her plan has been given to the prime minister and several relevant cabinet ministers and she hopes it will be presented to Parliament in full.

She noted one of the keys is to improve co-ordination between different levels of government and law enforcement and the non-governmental agencies which aid victims. A national human trafficking co-ordinator, what Smith calls a national rapporteur, would be a liaison, make policy recommendations and report annually to Parliament so Canada can track its progress.


Jan 31, 2005
"International victims mostly come from Eastern Europe and Asia and are smuggled into Canada either on false documents, visitor visas or through false marriages."

Does it not occur to anyone that these women want to come here to work as prostitutes?


New member
Jan 19, 2006
Joy Smith [said] International victims mostly come from Eastern Europe and Asia and are smuggled into Canada either on false documents, visitor visas or through false marriages.
What balderdash! What minute fraction does she speak of? Perhaps is she related to Senator Maria Cantwell (D - Washington)?


New member
Jan 19, 2006
Know the opposition:

Her fourteen points:

Recommendation I – Review and amend immigration regulations and policy to provide effective counter human trafficking point of entry services.

Recommendation II – Develop and implement a tailored strategy within the National Action Plan to address trafficking of First Nations women and children.

Recommendation III – Use diplomatic protocols to promote regional and international partnerships and policies to combat human trafficking and child sexual exploitation.

Recommendation IV – Develop policies and regulations to combat forced labour and child labour abroad.

Recommendation V – Limit and monitor the international travel of convicted Canadian child sex offenders.

Recommendation VI – Creation and implementation of an extensive public awareness campaign.

Recommendation VII – Provide adequate funding for NGOs to deliver care, counselling, shelter and assistance to victims.

Recommendation VIII – Develop and implement federal policy to assist international victims of human trafficking to return to their country of origin.

Recommendation IX – Develop a National Referral Mechanism to provide rapid connection to points of service.

Recommendation X – Create an independent National Rapporteur for Human Trafficking

Recommendation XI – Review and amend Canada’s solicitation legislation.

Recommendation XII – Commit to additional resources for the training and education of judges, prosecutors and law enforcement on human trafficking legislation.

Recommendation XIII – Review and implement legislation as necessary to ensure that all forms of human trafficking are denounced under Canadian law.

Recommendation XIV – Facilitate the creation of regional human trafficking taskforces. to combat human trafficking - sept 2010.pdf


New member
Oct 22, 2002
42.55.65N 78.43.73W
Papa is back!!! Are you going to be a good smerf from now on?

I am always the good smerf

all be it I miss my appendix and will be hunting for a new one soon


Active member
Aug 23, 2001
STOP HER!!! what consenting adults do in private is none of her business why are the cons importing U.S republican craziness into Canada?
You are incorrect, it's not US republican craziness (emphasis is on outlaw selling sex). It is more like Swedish craziness (emphasis is on buying sex which is illegal)


Protuberant Member
May 29, 2002
North America
STOP HER!!! what consenting adults do in private is none of her business why are the cons importing U.S republican craziness into Canada?
It's that farking Harpo who acts like a GOPer wannabe!
Perhaps what Harpo is afflicted with has spread and infected Joy Smith....


New member
Dec 23, 2005
Such a law will never pass , however if this does bring to the light the problem on human traffiking, maybe some good can come out of this.


New member
Jul 14, 2009
Such a law will never pass , however if this does bring to the light the problem on human traffiking, maybe some good can come out of this.
nothing good can come out of this

what this fucking country needs is the simple law allowing people to bring their fiances from overseas without having to marry them first - as every other civilized country on the planet does

and all this BS talk about human trafficking is not helping


Protuberant Member
May 29, 2002
North America
Jeesh - trying to hijack another thread. Are you cute, bald and short too?
Was merely responding to....
Originally Posted by canada-man
STOP HER!!! what consenting adults do in private is none of her business why are the cons importing U.S republican craziness into Canada?
How does that constitute a hijack OddS???....

Ceiling Cat

Well-known member
Feb 25, 2009
Does it mean that paying dinners, vacations, gifts etc. in return to getting laid will be outlawed too?
No, it means that if this law passes you will have to pay for dinners, vacations, gifts etc ( plus a discrete compulsory donation ) to make it seem like a legit GF/BF relationship to get laid. Cash for gash will be horrendously expensive.
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