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Joe Scarborugh disses the Shrub


New member
Jul 14, 2003
From the blog of Joe Scarborough (that noted left-wnger) on May 12:

"... So POTUS riding a bike in rural Maryland may be a good thing.

But POTUS being left in the dark while screaming and gnashing of teeth is the order of the day in official Washington is probably not such a bright idea.

White House spokesman Scott McClellen told reporters that the President was pleased with how the situation developed yesterday and that all systems worked as planned.


The Vice President and his motorcade screeched out of the White House compound and the President was still pedaling away.

The United States Congress was in the middle of a vote when Capital Police rushed in and started screaming at the top of their lungs: "Get out now! This is not a drill! Leave!"

The President? Still pumpin' those pedals.

The First Lady (for those keeping score at home, this is the Bicycler-in-Chief's wife) was rushed to a secure location.

But no one told President and hubby George W. Bush.

I hate to break it to White House officials, but their fearless leader knew less about the security crisis gripping the nation's capital than millions of Americans.

If the President isn't troubled by these developments, then I am.

As Mr. Bush likes to remind us, we are in a war on terror where seconds count.

The first frenzied moments of September 11th were filled with fear, confusion, and very bad intelligence. If the situation yesterday was so dire that the White House was put on its first red alert since 9/11, the Commander in Chief should have been let in on that little secret.

It would be like keeping Churchill in the dark during Nazi attacks over London. Imagine one of the Prime Minister's men saying to security detail, "Winston is painting at Chartwell right now. Probably best if the P.M. is not disturbed."

It would not happen then. It should not happen now.

If the President of the United States cannot have his bike ride interrupted to learn of a possible terror attack on Washington, then he is not fit to lead this country in its war on terror."

Amen, Joe. Amen.


New member
Mar 21, 2005
The President was riding his bike in another state, and so was presumably outside the danger zone. Was it really necessary to bother him with the details of what was just an overblown fire-drill ?


They obviously believed it might be a real attack. It was NOT a drill.

I'm sure Bushtard had nothing to add to the event whether it was real or not. He may as well just ride a bike around the country and eat pretzels.

They often avoid "bothering" him with security information.

Cool Dude

Fighting Irishman
Feb 25, 2002
Remember, this is the same Joe Scarborough who railed against Arnold Schwartzeneggar (sp) for suggesting we blow up the moon in order to control the tides and stop women from having PMS. Stern show...fake Arnold... Dumb Joe, dumb.
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New member
Jul 14, 2003
Where to begin?

Joe is conveniently quoted when he's on the Rethugs side. He commands viewership, albeit small.

When he finally stops drinking the Kool-Aid, we find a way to say he's a traitor.

ROTFLMAO. You guys are really funny, and SO predictable.

Cool Dude

Fighting Irishman
Feb 25, 2002
TOVisitor said:
Joe is conveniently quoted when he's on the Rethugs side. He commands viewership, albeit small.

When he finally stops drinking the Kool-Aid, we find a way to say he's a traitor.

ROTFLMAO. You guys are really funny, and SO predictable.
I'm just surprised that you quoted someone this dumb. You seem to be far more impressed with Joe than I ever was, even back when he was an insignificant, ineffective congressman from Florida. It must be his commanding viewership. :p


you must be fk'n kid'g me
Nov 13, 2001
Cool Dude said:
Remember, this is the same Joe Scarborough who railed against Arnold Schwartzeneggar (sp) for suggesting we blow up the moon in order to control the tides and stop women from having PMS. Stern show...fake Arnold... Dumb Joe, dumb.
so you are saying that blowing up the moon won't help?


New member
Jul 14, 2003
Cool Dude said:
I'm just surprised that you quoted someone this dumb. You seem to be far more impressed with Joe than I ever was, even back when he was an insignificant, ineffective congressman from Florida. It must be his commanding viewership. :p
I agree that Joe's IQ is somewhere south of a lamppost.

Howver, that doesn;t stop you dittoheads from listening to him or quoting him whenever necessary.

Perhaps I should have found quotes from those paragons of intellect, Sean "Who cares if I never graduated college?" Hannity, or Rush "Pass the pain killers, please" Limbaugh?

Cool Dude

Fighting Irishman
Feb 25, 2002
Perhaps not.

TOVisitor said:
I agree that Joe's IQ is somewhere south of a lamppost.

Howver, that doesn;t stop you dittoheads from listening to him or quoting him whenever necessary.

Perhaps I should have found quotes from those paragons of intellect, Sean "Who cares if I never graduated college?" Hannity, or Rush "Pass the pain killers, please" Limbaugh?
So far you are the only person quoting him. :) I'm not a big fan of cable TV talking heads or radio personalities on either side of the political spectrum. I tend to get my news from newspapers.
I have a distinct dislike for most fundamentalist christian activists as well as many elitist liberals; these groups are often unable to see past their narrow, bigoted, and ignorant views of the world and the people who repectfully disagree with them.


New member
Jul 14, 2003
Cool Dude:

I get my news from newspapers as well. And pardon me if I offended you by quoting the failed Congressman Joe.

I agree that he is dumber than a box of rocks, but he also speaks to a right-wing constituency that thinks that Fearless Leader can do no wrong.

Some of that constituency is resident, alive, and well on this board.

Every once in a while, it's necessary to have Toto pull the curtain back and to reveal that the Wizard ain't "the great and poweful Oz" at all.
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