Jobs being lost to AI. Good thing or bad?


Active member
Dec 25, 2017
So my cousin just got replaced by AI. He was a proof reader, everything that AI can do. So many people are losing their jobs now due to AI replacing them. Just in the radio today, I heard them talking about the first commercial ad that used AI for the actors and how real it looked. So even actors will be canned soon (for commercials at least). There must be a huge list of jobs that are becoming or already obsolete for humans, and it is of course growing. So what's next? With all these people losing their jobs to AI, and people with current jobs wondering if they will be canned for cheaper AI substitutes, what's the bottom line here? Companies are certainly happy due to the money they are saving, but what about all the individuals who are being tossed away? Is AI replacing people's jobs a good thing or bad thing? Is it good or bad for the economy? Your thought on this?
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Well-known member
Sep 11, 2004
So my cousin just got replaced by AI. He was a proof reader, everything that AI can do. So many people are losing their jobs now due to AI replacing them. Just in the radio, I head them talking about the first commercial ad that used AI for the actors and how real it looked. So even actors will be canned soon (for commercials at least). There must be a huge list of jobs that are becoming or already obsolete for humans, and it is grown. So what's next.? With all these people losing their jobs to AI, and people with current jobs wondering if they will be canned for cheaper AI substitutes, what's the bottom line here? Companies are certainly happy due to the money they are saving, but what about all the individuals who are being tossed away? Is AI replacing people's jobs a good thing or bad thing? Is it good or bad for the economy? Your thought on this?
One of the questions has been whether knowledge workers are losing their jobs now after being sheltered for decades while blue collar jobs were lost to automation.


Well-known member
Jul 15, 2004
As I pointed this out over 5 years ago, we expect a minimum of 3 million out of work in Canada from AI and robotics. Unemployment will be redefined, but we will have a people surplus just like they did during the enclosure period in England. Except , there no Canada or USA for surplus workers to go. Canada needs to start lower its yearly population rather than growing useless unemployable masses.

Some will retrain but really the only jobs that are needed for a sort while are the low paying ones like farm workers, and we already have robots about to do construction on homes - so the trades and such are also on the chopping block.

Alternatively we could make AI mostly illegal or heavily taxed.

As for good and bad? Is child labour bad if it gives use Apple phones? Who would give up an apple phone to see one child slave freed? Very few. People with jobs will pay less for goods. People without jobs will live in poverty. Good for some, bad for others.

The one area of regulation has been sex robots. Toronto was supposed to have a robotic /or sex doll brothel but it was stopped by the goverment. The 40 bucks and hour and novelty of it would probably given a run for is money. The one that did open in spain caused a stoppage of all others

no surprise not one review has been published on Terb after almost 10 years of operation.
However regulation and banning of AI/robots IS possible and has been done. In fact tech backlash in general is happening world wide probably because of AI.

Unconfirmed reporting says AI has been given control of weapon systems just this month in the USA with the right to kill as an experiment. Before all kill devices had to have human decision makers.
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Well-known member
May 23, 2005
Regarding the trades, it's hard to imagine AI taking over the jobs that carpenters, electricians, and plumbers do.

And it will be quite a while before AI can do more than merely assist with surgery and dentistry.

Maybe robots will be able to handle all the various situations and complications involved in those kinds of work some day, but I doubt it will be soon.


Well-known member
Feb 26, 2008
Its a good thing. Can't wait until AI lawyers get to duke it out against each other.
"but Bubby said I was going to be a lawyer and now there's nothing to do, sigh"
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Well-known member
Aug 27, 2003
rural ontario
Regarding the trades, it's hard to imagine AI taking over the jobs that carpenters, electricians, and plumbers do.

And it will be quite a while before AI can do more than merely assist with surgery and dentistry.

Maybe robots will be able to handle all the various situations and complications involved in those kinds of work some day, but I doubt it will be soon.
3D printed homes are already here.


The Chiseler
Jan 4, 2008
Should they have kept the phone operators? Cause you know their jobs were replaced.
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Time Zone Traveller
Jul 27, 2002
La la land

CGI people will be out soon. So will animators.




Well-known member
Mar 5, 2019
Mixed bag but mostly bad.
How many mistakes does AI already
AI created by humans to do the work of humans. Any and all flaws within AI are human.

Mr Deeds

Muff Diver Extraordinaire
Mar 10, 2013
Ai doesn't put food on the table or pay taxes, it also stifles personal growth in people. Automation will just produce Generations of brainless idiots you can't take care of themselves or do basic tasks, look around you it's already happening.


Well-known member
Jan 10, 2016
I see 2 big flaws of AI.

1. Loss of trust. There is already so much people falling for fake post propaganda imagine all the shit AI will produce?? Internet will completely lose what’s left of its integrity. We will come to a point where we all won’t believe any shit coming from the Internet.

2. Insurance. Who will take the blame when AI fucks up? Your self delivery car kill someone. Will your insurance cover up? Same for all self driving car, as the owner of the car are you ready to accept all blame rven if you were not in the car? if AI proof read your legal documents, will you accept all mistakes AI may have overlooked?


Well-known member
Oct 31, 2011
It's going to result in a lower population, and a greater income disparity between rich and poor.
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Well-known member
Jan 10, 2016
It's going to result in a lower population, and a greater income disparity between rich and poor.
AI was not even needed for current disparities between poor/middle class and rich. But yes it will make it even worse.

Fortunately the rich are just a few so there is hope.
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The Chiseler
Jan 4, 2008
Yeah, I've noticed a lot of help chats from business websites are not answered by humans. Do they really answer your questions better though?
I wouldn't consider that AI. That's low grade parsing and pattern matching and table lookup. Also small database. Definitely not Big Data. That's a Micky Mouse app they're using. Screening for just basic help and that's not replacing humans. There's always an option to connect with a live human. It's just to alleviate traffic.
Automation vs AI.

Everyone is calling everything AI these days. If the definition of AI is anything done by computers rather than humans then is a calculator not AI. Computers taking over human jobs has been brought up since the beginning of computers and guess what everyone can get a job if they want one. Upgrade skills and get a new job.

Big Blue beat a chest champ. Was that AI? That was in the 90's. Almost 30 years ago.
Do you know Moore's law? Do you know about Blackwell? You can run but you can't hide.
Embrace the inevitable.
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Well-known member
Apr 13, 2003
Good, bad or more likely inevitable.

I read in the paper today the CUPW went on strike in the 70's because postal codes and the associated readers were replacing human sorters. How quaint from a 2024 perspective.


Active member
Dec 25, 2017
What about the effect on the economy in general, putting individual people aside? Is it good or bad for the economy?
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Well-known member
May 21, 2002
Another big point is that AI can't critically think/create new solutions to new problems. It can only extrapolate from past date.
That's pretty much how most humans solve most problems. The short bursts of creativity are few and far between.
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