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Jewish 'Modesty Patrols' Sow Fear in Israel


Gentleman by Profession
Jun 30, 2003
In the laboratory.
More fuckin' religious whack jobs. Just what the world needs.


October 4, 2008
Jewish 'Modesty Patrols' Sow Fear in Israel

Filed at 9:45 a.m. ET

In Israel's ultra-Orthodox Jewish community, where the rule of law sometimes takes a back seat to the rule of God, zealots are on a campaign to stamp out behavior they consider unchaste. They hurl stones at women for such ''sins'' as wearing a red blouse, and attack stores selling devices that can access the Internet.

In recent weeks, self-styled ''modesty patrols'' have been accused of breaking into the apartment of a Jerusalem woman and beating her for allegedly consorting with men. They have torched a store that sells MP4 players, fearing devout Jews would use them to download pornography.

''These breaches of purity and modesty endanger our community,'' said 38-year-old Elchanan Blau, defending the bearded, black-robed zealots. ''If it takes fire to get them to stop, then so be it.''

Many ultra-Orthodox Jews are dismayed by the violence, but the enforcers often enjoy quiet approval from rabbis eager to protect their own reputations as guardians of the faith, community members say. And while some welcome anything that keeps secular culture out of their cloistered world, others feel terrorized, knowing that the mere perception of impropriety could ruin their lives.

''There are eyes and ears all over the place, very similar to what you hear about in countries like Iran,'' says Israeli-American novelist Naomi Ragen, an observant Jew who has chronicled the troubles that confront some women living in the ultra-Orthodox world.

The violence has already deepened the antagonism between the 600,000 haredim, or God-fearing, and the secular majority, which resents having religious rules dictated to them.

Religious vigilantes operate in a society that has granted their community influence well beyond its numbers -- partly out of a commitment to revive the great centers of Jewish scholarship destroyed in the Holocaust, but also because the Orthodox are perennial king-makers in Israeli coalition politics.

Thus public transport is grounded for the Jewish Sabbath each Saturday, and the rabbis control all Jewish marriage and divorce in Israel.

In recent years, however, the haredim have eased up on their long campaign to impose their rules on secular areas, and nowadays many restaurants and suburban shopping centers are open on the Sabbath.

These days, most vigilante attacks take place in the zealots' own neighborhoods.

Israel police spokesman Micky Rosenfeld said the modesty police are not an organized phenomenon, just rogue enforcers carrying out isolated attacks. But Israel's Justice Ministry used the term ''modesty patrols'' in an indictment against a man accused of assaulting the Jerusalem woman.

The unidentified, 31-year-old woman had left the ultra-Orthodox fold after getting divorced, according to the indictment filed by the Jerusalem district attorney's office. The indictment said her assailant tried to get her to leave her apartment in a haredi neighborhood in Jerusalem by gagging, beating and threatening to kill her. He was paid $2,000 for the attack, it said.

A 17-year-old who moved to Israel from New York five years ago said she was hospitalized after being attacked with pepper spray by a crowd of men outraged that she was walking down a Jerusalem street with boys.

''They can burn in hell,'' said the girl, who would identify herself only as Rivka.

She lives in Beit Shemesh, a town outside Jerusalem where the vigilantism has been particularly violent. Zealots there have thrown rocks and spat at women, and set fire to trash bins to protest impiety. Walls of the neighborhood are plastered with signs exhorting women to dress modestly -- spelled out as closed-necked, long-sleeved blouses and long skirts.

The state, catering to religious sensitivities, subsidizes gender-segregated bus routes that service religious neighborhoods. Ragen and several other women challenged the practice in Israel's Supreme Court after an Orthodox Canadian woman in her 50s told police she was kicked, slapped, pushed to the floor and spat upon by men for refusing to move to the back of the bus.

Another Beit Shemesh girl, who asked to be identified only as Esther, said zealots threw rocks, cursed and spat at a friend for wearing a red blouse -- taboo because the color attracts attention.

Yitzhak Polack, a 50-year-old Jerusalem teacher, is one of those who deplore such behavior.

''They are stupid troublemakers who are bringing shame and disgrace on this holy community,'' he said.

But the rabbis are afraid to condemn them, says Yehuda Meshi-Zahav, another community member.

''They can't come out against zealots who champion modesty. Here and there they write against violence, but the militants ultimately set the tone,'' he said.

Stores are targeted too.

In August, a Jerusalem man was placed under house arrest on suspicion he set fire to a store in a haredi district of the city that sold MP4 players.

''It started about six months ago. They would come into the store, about 15 of them at a time, screaming, 'This store burns souls!' and they would throw merchandise on the floor and threaten customers,'' said 31-year-old Aaron Gold, a haredi worker at the Space electronic store.

One Friday night, just before the Sabbath was about to begin, ''they smashed a window, doused the place with gasoline and lit a match,'' Gold said.

Now, a big sign behind the counter says, ''All products sold in this store are under rabbinical supervision. By order of the rabbis, no MP4s are sold here.''

Clothing stores that sell clothes regarded as provocative have been vandalized, and bleach thrown at merchandise.

Suspicion is all that's needed to spark an attack.

Girls have been expelled from school after being seen talking to boys, a punishment that ruins their marriage prospects.

''It could be very innocent; she could be talking to her brother,'' Ragen said. But once thrown out of school, ''no one -- NO ONE -- will take you in,'' she added.

In one case, the violence reached the highest levels of haredi society.

Three years ago, a son of Israel's Sephardi chief rabbi, Shlomo Amar, was accused of kidnapping a 17-year-old boy, beating him at knifepoint and terrorizing him with snarling dogs because he had sought the attentions of the accused's unchaperoned sister.

The son was sentenced to two years and eight months in jail.

His sister married a different suitor the following year.


Aug 17, 2001
Between a rock and a hard place
Gimme that old time religion....

james t kirk

Well-known member
Aug 17, 2001
They better stay off the beaches in Tel Aviv. By all accounts, after dark, they turn into an Orgie Den.

The problem with the Radical Orthodox Jews is that they breed kids like rabbits. The normal Jews (Reformed and such) have 1.8 kids per family. It's only a matter of time before the Orthodox Holy Rollers outnumber the secular Jews.


Aug 17, 2001
Between a rock and a hard place


Eat the Weak
Jun 12, 2006
james t kirk said:
They better stay off the beaches in Tel Aviv. By all accounts, after dark, they turn into an Orgie Den.

The problem with the Radical Orthodox Jews is that they breed kids like rabbits. The normal Jews (Reformed and such) have 1.8 kids per family. It's only a matter of time before the Orthodox Holy Rollers outnumber the secular Jews.
I wonder if there were as many of them as there are Ultra Orthadox Muslims in number... would we really notice much of a difference?


New member
Nov 27, 2006
james t kirk said:
They better stay off the beaches in Tel Aviv. By all accounts, after dark, they turn into an Orgie Den.

The problem with the Radical Orthodox Jews is that they breed kids like rabbits. The normal Jews (Reformed and such) have 1.8 kids per family. It's only a matter of time before the Orthodox Holy Rollers outnumber the secular Jews.
And don't forget most men of the Haredim are Tzahal, aka IDF draft dodgers, while they expect social welfare/bailout from Jerusalem and the IDF to risk the lives of the secular breathens, including non-Jews such as the Druze to protect their "settlements/trailer parks" in West Bank/Judea & Samaria city such as Hebron.

Those who do join either yielding too much power on Rabbinnate or getting adequate training to execute extremist agenda. Remember Baruch Goldstein?

In any event, one has to wonder whether these people are cut from the same cloth or estranged cousins of the Hamas, Al-Qaida, Taliban & Hizbullah when it comes to religious fundamentalism.


New member
Jan 19, 2006
james t kirk said:
They better stay off the beaches in Tel Aviv. By all accounts, after dark, they turn into an Orgie Den.

The problem with the Radical Orthodox Jews is that they breed kids like rabbits. The normal Jews (Reformed and such) have 1.8 kids per family. It's only a matter of time before the Orthodox Holy Rollers outnumber the secular Jews.
Even more bizarre most of the Ultra-Orthodox receive deferments from the otherwise compulsory national service in the Israeli Military.

Oops didn't see the post just above this before I posted :eek:


Well-known member
Dec 7, 2001
hinz said:
And don't forget most men of the Haredim are Tzahal, aka IDF draft dodgers, while they expect social welfare/bailout from Jerusalem and the IDF to risk the lives of the secular breathens, including non-Jews such as the Druze to protect their "settlements/trailer parks" in West Bank/Judea & Samaria city such as Hebron.

Those who do join either yielding too much power on Rabbinnate or getting adequate training to execute extremist agenda. Remember Baruch Goldstein?

In any event, one has to wonder whether these people are cut from the same cloth or estranged cousins of the Hamas, Al-Qaida, Taliban & Hizbullah when it comes to religious fundamentalism.

I have to wonder how long Israel can continue wasting lives, resources and money defending these welfare cases, high unemployment amongst their men especially, draft dodging and their agenda of our way or the highway make a volatile mix and future for the country.

Lets hope that eventually Israel gets a PM who has the guts to tell them to shut the fuck up, get out of the West Bank, move to Tel Aviv or Haifa and get a job!!! your other option is the Israeli military hands you a few rounds while they pull out, good luck when the guys from Hamas or the Al Aqsa Martyrs Brigade show up at your door.


Well-known member
May 14, 2008
Stuff like this should remind all of us that Israel is just another Arab country in the end. They are all sons of Abraham (or Ibrahim).


New member
Jan 19, 2006
scouser1 said:
I have to wonder how long Israel can continue wasting lives, resources and money defending these welfare cases, high unemployment amongst their men especially, draft dodging and their agenda of our way or the highway make a volatile mix and future for the country.

Lets hope that eventually Israel gets a PM who has the guts to tell them to shut the fuck up, get out of the West Bank, move to Tel Aviv or Haifa and get a job!!! your other option is the Israeli military hands you a few rounds while they pull out, good luck when the guys from Hamas or the Al Aqsa Martyrs Brigade show up at your door.
However, this is one of the wonders of Proportional Representation. The Ultra-Orthodox Parties always end up being the essential element of a coalition government. Hence if you want to be the Government rather than the Opposition you don't tell them to "shut the fuck up, get out of the West Bank, move to Tel Aviv or Haifa and get a job!"


New member
Nov 27, 2006
Aardvark154 said:
However, this is one of the wonders of Proportional Representation. The Ultra-Orthodox Parties always end up being the essential element of a coalition government.
Those Haredim should thank their secular cousins who love to form splinter groups in the Knesset. Remember Kadima or Shinui or Yisrael Beiteinu? These splinter groups essentially help the Shas to be power broker between Likud or Labor.

Aardvark154 said:
Hence if you want to be the Government rather than the Opposition you don't tell them to "shut the fuck up, get out of the West Bank, move to Tel Aviv or Haifa and get a job!"
Some of them do have real jobs, albeit not something to be proud of. Many of them are working industries, such as food processing (Kosher slaughter & Kosher food certification), funeral business & issuing marriage licenses.
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