Thank you cme, I always meet them first now and book at a later date If all check out, more roses but after all this is for ultimate pleasure at it's best....
That's a ridiculous statement. I can think of several extremely valid reasons why a "classy", proven/verified SP would NOT want to meet before an appointment is arranged. First and foremost, avoiding time wasters.
We go for a good time all around, even do we have to reach out to accomplish our fantasy at the end of the day it's important to say a big thank you to providers for begin there and best to ensure they have as much fun as us it's not like buying a sports cars etc this is super special...
My and other time is never wasted I could assure you that. I will retract my statement not accurate about classy do your right about that classy ones may not be interested in this path sorry if I offended anyone not my intention.