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the squid

New member
Oct 27, 2004
I just came back from seeing Jersey (Pink Sugar) for the secong time. First time was when she just started there and was giving just massages.

I like Jersey. I'm comfortable with her. We had a nice, slow paced session, which is the way I like it. Everything was safe, and no kissing on the lips. That's too bad because I would have really liked to, but I respect that she wants to set limits on intimacy. It's clear that she wants to stay safe, which makes me comfortable too. I can't be taking anything extra home with me.

We spent a fair bit if time in mish, which we both enjoyed. At one point, I asked her if she wanted to change positions, but she was feeling so good from what we were doing that she asked to just keep going. Fine by me! Finished that way about half an hour in. I'm not quite that young any more, so it took about 15 minutes before that feeling came back again. Realy the talking and caressing in the meantime. Jersey put on the cover and we had more fun until our time was up. It usually takes a lot of work for that 2nd shot, so I wasn't enpecting to get there before the time was up. She didn't go OT, but wasn't watching the clock either. I told her when time was up. We stopped then because 1) I wans't going to finish soon and 2) the rules are the rules. Nice chit chat as we were getting dressed and then a kiss on the cheek and hug on my way out the door.

Jersey is great looking all round. I just loved watching her while we were talking in between the action. Like I said, I'm comfortable with her.

Thanks Jersey. I'll be back.



New member
Jan 28, 2009
Great reveiw, :). To all those naysayers out there there are possitive reviews on here, if there's not that many it's because there's not that many good girls here lol.
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